"Albertans are going to take an enormous hit" | Michelle Stirling joins Sheila Gunn Reid

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Is green energy actually as cheap and free as we are told?

That’s what the advocates of wind and solar keep telling us; that green energy is the magical gift that keeps on giving once the expensive infrastructure required to support it is in place. Just a small investment on the front side for big payoffs in the end.

But is that really how it works? Not exactly. When the state of Minnesota — a place with a similar climate to many parts of Canada — proposed moving to 50 per cent renewable energy capacity on the grid from the current 25 per cent, an analysis done by Isaac Orr, a policy fellow at the Center of the American Experiment on mining and energy issues and a policy advisor for The Heartland Institute, found that the move to a greener grid would cost the state $80.2 billion.

A similar analysis was conducted in Alberta by Friends of Science about the cost of wind and solar here.

Joining Sheila Gunn Reid on this week's episode of The Gunn Show to discuss the findings of their research is Michelle Stirling of Friends of Science Society.

This is only a clip from The Gunn Show. To watch the full episode, become a subscriber to RebelNews+ today. 

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