Doug Ford stands 'shoulder to shoulder' with Justin Trudeau, but refuses to allow David Menzies to cover PC events!
We continue to mourn over the passing of the late, great Mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford. And we have a hunch Rob is spinning in his grave over the elitist behaviour of his brother, Doug Ford, the Premier of Ontario and cherry cheesecake aficionado.
Doug Ford – or more accurately, his puppet-masters behind the scenes – have occurred increasingly gone liberal. Premier Ford is best buddies with Prime Minister Blackface McGropper, after all.
And we were reminded of this fact last weekend when the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario had its convention at the Toronto Congress Centre. The mainstream media, who Ford used to despise, were welcomed into the Congress Centre with open arms. As for independent media such as Rebel News? It was a matter of getting lost or being charged with trespassing.
How odd. Once upon a time, Doug Ford was a speaker at Rebel News Live events. Before he became premier, he pitched a weekly show that would be aired on the Rebel News website.
But now? He (or his “team”) wants nothing to do with us. Why? They won’t say. Weird.
As conventions go, we're sure the one last weekend was celebratory, with lots of congratulations going around based on the Ford PCs being re-elected with a majority mandate last June. That’s when Team Ford ran on the slogan of: Get it Done.
Get what done? We know politics makes for strange bedfellows, but a Conservative Premier throwing his support behind Prime Minister Blackface McGroper? That’s beyond ridiculous.
What has Ford “gotten done” the past four years? Remember his promise to end hallway healthcare? Well, the healthcare backlog is worse than ever. On the infrastructure file, Toronto’s Eglinton Crosstown LRT is yet again delayed. Seriously, it was supposed to be finished in 2020; now they actually have no idea when it will be completed.
Here’s a betting proposition for you: what’s going to happen first? The Eglinton Crosstown LRT will be completed – or the Leafs will win the Stanley Cup? My money’s on the Maple Leafs – yes, the LRT fiasco is that bad. And why does Ford now embrace cancel culture? Not just independent media, but shockingly, the statue of Sir John A. MacDonald at Queen’s Park remains in a coffin, Sir John’s head wrapped in a garbage bag. And to think Ford once condemned the city of Victoria for getting rid of its Sir John statue! Shameful.
And hey, just where is the Ministry of Education regarding that ongoing radical transgender circus sideshow at Oakville Trafalgar High School?
Final analysis: “Get it done” might be a catchy slogan. But it’s a hollow promise. We think a more truthful slogan would be the oft-repeated phrase by Clara Peller, the Wendy’s spokeswoman back in the ‘80s. Namely, “Where’s the beef?”

David Menzies
Mission Specialist
David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.