A win for liberty: Jenin Younes on U.S. Supreme Court ruling to block Biden's vaccine mandate

On yesterday's episode of The Ezra Levant ShowJenin Younes (follow @Leftylockdowns1 on Twitter) joined Ezra to discuss the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Thursday to block President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate which would have required all businesses with over 100 employees to require all of their workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or submit to weekly testing.

Here's a bit of what Jenin had to say:

Basically what the court said was that OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) was designed to address workplace hazards, not a disease that's sort of omnipresent in the world at this point. So you know, it's really about like getting access to a helmet if you're a construction worker, or making sure that the office where you spend eight hours a day doesn't have asbestos — and one way in which the court drew a distinction was to say: 'Well, you can't get take your vaccine away at the end of the workday,' you know, it's still there. So this was a very important decision for liberty.

This is just an excerpt from the full Ezra Levant Show.

To watch the full episode, become a premium subscriber to RebelNews+.

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