ABC's biased Voice referendum coverage in support of ‘Yes’ vote spotlighted by internal review

An internal review by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reveals a significant bias in its coverage of the Voice referendum, with a majority of airtime given to Yes campaigners.

The 2023 Voice to Parliament Referendum report discloses that 51% of voices featured on the ABC during the referendum coverage advocated for a Yes vote, while only 23% supported the No campaign.

Despite over 60% of Australians ultimately voting No in the October 14 plebiscite, the report discloses that the ABC received 383 complaints about its coverage, with 80% citing bias or a lack of balance. However, only 121 complaints were investigated, and four were upheld.

The report, authored by editorial policies manager Mark Maley, states that achieving a 50/50 balance of advocates was not a requirement, emphasising the goal was to present main arguments for and against the propositions within a reasonable timeframe.

The report shed light on the departure of conservative voice Tom Switzer, stating his departure was attributed to 'ruffling feathers' with his choice of guests.

Rebel News


Articles written by staff at Rebel News to help tell the other side of the story. 


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