ABC's biased Voice referendum coverage in support of ‘Yes’ vote spotlighted by internal review
An internal review by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reveals a significant bias in its coverage of the Voice referendum, with a majority of airtime given to Yes campaigners.
The 2023 Voice to Parliament Referendum report discloses that 51% of voices featured on the ABC during the referendum coverage advocated for a Yes vote, while only 23% supported the No campaign.
Despite over 60% of Australians ultimately voting No in the October 14 plebiscite, the report discloses that the ABC received 383 complaints about its coverage, with 80% citing bias or a lack of balance. However, only 121 complaints were investigated, and four were upheld.
The report, authored by editorial policies manager Mark Maley, states that achieving a 50/50 balance of advocates was not a requirement, emphasising the goal was to present main arguments for and against the propositions within a reasonable timeframe.
The report shed light on the departure of conservative voice Tom Switzer, stating his departure was attributed to 'ruffling feathers' with his choice of guests.