Alberta rancher speaks out: Will the Cargill processing plant's COVID-19 shut-down result in a meat shortage?

With meat packing plants closing down, Cargill just south of Calgary chief among them, nobody will be more affected than Canadian ranchers.

While protein is running out and stores might soon see shortages of meat, ranchers are going to be losing out on their primary income.

Ranchers don't live on a CERB lifestyle. Their standard of living is decided at the weigh scale when selling that year's crop of cattle.

Feedlots are filling up, unable to deliver shipments to the meatpacking plants. The people left holding the bag are going to be the upstream cattle producers.

This is of course all the result of the meat packing plants and the federal government relying on a labour force that is temporary and foreign. The standards in which temporary foreign workers live and commute are substandard.

Alberta's Chief Medical Officer said it herself. Packed carpools have caused these outbreaks. The Temporary Foreign Workers flagrantly disobeyed public health advice, and ranchers are paying the price.

Keean Bexte


Keean Bexte is Rebel News' travelling correspondent. Keean has broken stories from the White House to Hong Kong, covering the other side of the story wherever it is.


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