Calgary’s water main spending to take a toll on city as Mayor Gondek’s spending remains negligent

It is crystal clear Mayor Jyoti Gondek’s spending is out of control, as has been highlighted lately with the sudden feeder main burst leaving Calgarians temporarily without water and forced to endure continued water restrictions with zero end in sight.

The city’s neglect of our water supply has cost us financially in three ways, the cost of immediate repairs that have taken place, the cost of long-term fixes, and the cost of the internal review.

Immediate repair costs are expected to be in the tens of millions of dollars, to be pulled from the Utility Sustainment Reserve.

The water main review – because they supposedly still don’t know how this incident was allowed to happen – will also dip into the Utility Sustainment Reserve.

This reserve holds approximately $42.9 Million and is derived from Calgarians' utility rates. Long-term repair plans have yet to see financial needs established and could take months if not years to resolve.

We spoke with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation's Alberta Director, Kris Sims, to find out more about the situation.

Sydney Fizzard

Video Journalist

After seeing the manipulation and harm caused by the pandemic narrative, Sydney Fizzard started on the path of reporting in mid 2020. With an interest in hearing from everyday Canadians, politicians, business owners, religious figures and community leaders, Syd aims to reveal underlying truths and examine societal movement. Notably, Syd spent 16 consecutive days at the Coutts, Alberta border blockade.


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