Canada now allows assisted suicide in National parks
Our national Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) policy has gone from a program meant to assist the terminally ill who were imminently dying to a program that currently ends the lives of the chronically ill and medically inconvenienced.
And come March 2024, it will include people whose only health concern is mental illness.
In doing research for our documentary about what's currently happening in Canada's euthanasia system, we stumbled upon this on a pro-euthanasia blog:
MAiD has been provided in various locations including a health facility, funeral home, home, and even outdoors on private land (although Parks Canada also has a MAiD policy allowing MAiD in some parks in certain circumstances).
I reached out, like any good journalist would, to Parks Canada for confirmation.
Here is the list of questions I sent them:
According to the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers, Parks Canada also has a MAiD policy allowing MAiD in some parks in certain circumstances. I am looking for information on what the policy entails.
What does one need to do to access this policy?
Does the MAiD recipient need to first alert Parks staff to where inside the park they will end their lives?
What provisions are taken to ensure the public or unsuspecting Parks staff do not stumble across the deceased?
Can one end their life via MAiD in any National Park, or is the practice limited to certain parks? If so, which parks?
Parks Canada responded:
The decision to pursue Medical Assistance in Dying is a deeply personal one. Parks Canada recognizes that many Canadians have personal connections to national historic sites, national parks, and national marine conservation areas. These treasured places can provide physical, emotional and spiritual comfort to those at the end of life.
While Parks Canada continues to develop its protocols and guidance with respect to MAiD, we evaluate requests on a case-by-case basis when a person eligible for MAiD would like to pursue this medical procedure at a Parks Canada administered location.
While they say they don't have an official policy, it's clear Parks Canada has a policy to take these things on a case-by-case basis.
And, they refuse to tell me if they have any protections for regular old park users like me to prevent them from stumbling across the deceased. Because frankly, I don't think they've thought about that issue.
WATCH: @SheilaGunnReid joins @IngrahamAngle to discuss Justin Trudeau's expansion of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) in Canada.
— Rebel News USA (@RebelNews_USA) December 13, 2022
If you agree this is wrong, sign our petition:
Parks Canada, as an extension of Environment and Climate Change Canada, which of course is under the umbrella of Trudeau's government of death, has only thought about the death side of this and not the consequences for the living.
So what's the moral of the story? Beware in our national parks system. It's not just the wilderness and the wildlife we must worry about now.
It's the death too.
I am, along with our chief documentary filmmaker here at Rebel News, Kian Simone, making a documentary on the horrific expansion of Canada's euthanasia policies. You can learn more about what we're doing and support our efforts by visiting

Sheila Gunn Reid
Chief Reporter
Sheila Gunn Reid is the Alberta Bureau Chief for Rebel News and host of the weekly The Gunn Show with Sheila Gunn Reid. She's a mother of three, conservative activist, and the author of best-selling books including Stop Notley.