Canada's “Muslim Voting Guide” designed to create an ENEMIES LIST for Justin Trudeau
Remember the “Muslim Voting Guide”? The pamphlet was published by Laurier University and funded by a federal agency, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
It was ultimately a taxpayer-funded campaign ad for the Liberals and the elections commissioner agrees.
Blacklock’s had the story last week:
The Muslim Voting Guide was published by the University on October 18, 2019 three days before balloting.
Researchers had successfully applied for a $24,923 grant to “create profiles of key public, media and political figures as well as organizations who produce and distribute Islamophobic ideologies and propaganda.”
The Guide gave then-Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer and People’s Party leader Maxime Bernier “fail” marks on immigration, refugees and Islamophobia, while Liberal and New Democratic leaders were given passing grades.
The Guide also criticized opposition MPs for activities that “foment the kind of fear and moral panic that leads to violence and hate.”
Elections Commissioner Yves Côté also waived all penalties in the case.
Federal funds were funnelled to a Liberal friendly organization, by a government agency, to explicitly demonize Trudeau’s enemies and tell Muslims how to vote.
Rebel News filed an access to information request for documents related to the Muslim Visiting Guide within the government. Sure enough, buried on page 54 of a nearly 400-page document package from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council is the proposal for funding, the one that earned $25,000 in taxpayer cash:
This study supports the imperatives behind M-103 through its objectives to analyze, document, and map the islamophobia industry in Canada that perpetuates fear and negative stereotypes about Islam and Muslims, leading to hate violence and discrimination.
The islamophobia industry is comprised of media outlets, political figures, and academics, think tanks, far-right groups and ideologues, and the donors who fund their campaigns. As a partner in the study, the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) will play a vital role in identifying, analyzing, and mapping the islamophobia industry that foments the kind of fear and moral panic that leads to violence and hate. This strategic collaboration will allow for a better understanding of how the Canadian islamophobia industry operates as a network of political, ideological, institutional, and economic ties promoting anti-muslim racism.
This study is organized around the following objectives:
To examine and map the political, ideological, institutional, and economic networks that foment islamophobia fear and moral panic in Canada, to define the islamophobia industry in Canada and survey recent trends and strategies employed by agents of islamophobia, create profiles of key public, media, and political figures as well as organizations who produce and distribute Islamophobic ideologies and propaganda, generate outcomes that empower the partner organization to collaborate effectively with a broader network of Muslim and allied advocacy groups in Canada to implement enhanced outreach strategies for target audiences like government media and the general public.
Taxpayers were unwittingly paying the National Council of Canadian Muslims to build their enemies list and then mobilize "Muslim and allied" organizations and the media to attack them.
The so-called enemies could have been guilty of something as innocuous as donating to the People’s Party of Canada, what the proposal called “donors who fund their campaigns.”
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