Canadian powerlifter has sobriety exhibit removed from museum over 'anti-trans' advocacy in women's sports

Canadian athlete and prolific powerlifter April Hutchinson will no longer be celebrated for her sobriety at a London, Ontario, museum exhibit.

In a letter dated November 10, Museum London informed Hutchinson she would be removed from the display, citing her activism in women's sports.

“It has come to our attention through national and international media that you have recently made discriminatory comments regarding transgender women that deny their existence. Misgendering someone intentionally is a form of discrimination,” wrote the museum.

"Apparently, I have failed in my gender-role duties as 'supporting actress' in the horror show that is my sport right now," the powerlifter posted on her X feed November 6. 

Hutchinson, who now faces a two-year ban by the Canadian Powerlifting Union (CPU) for airing grievances privately against biological males taunting female competitors and "looting their earnings." 

Hutchinson also appeared on Piers Morgan Uncensored in August where she commented on the ‘physical advantages that a male has over a female.’

She also condemned 'trans-identifying male' Anne Andres on social media for mocking her female rivals as 'weak.'

Hutchinson said Andres mocked females on social media, “to belittle us as weak, to rub it in our faces.” At one point, the trans athlete characterized a female rival as having 'little T-Rex arms,’ prompting Hutchinson to call the athlete a biological male.

According to the museum letter, her comments “are not consistent” with their values as an organization.

“I am fighting for women, I am fighting for fairness in sports,” Hutchinson told the Daily Mail on Thursday, reiterating her protest is not an expression of anti-trans rhetoric.

“It's crazy to me that they would cancel me over that because my exhibit was about my personal story of overcoming alcoholism,” she added.

"I've had three letters of discipline for speaking out,” she told Rebel News in September, with the CPU finding her private complaint of male bullying in the sport to be "frivolous and vexatious." 

Meanwhile CPU President Shane Martin, resigned from the organization on November 12. 

“This position has become something I no longer recognize, and I am not the one to lead this organization,” he said in his resignation letter.

Hutchinson has since retained litigator Lisa Bildy of Libertas Law to represent her against the Canadian Powerlifting Union.

Alex Dhaliwal


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