Carney gives ZERO media availability following PITIFUL Toronto rally

Liberal leadership contender Mark Carney made a brief appearance in Toronto, where he spoke for all of five minutes and banished all media covering the event to the frigid outdoors.

Do you recall last year at the World Economic Forum in Davos when Rebel News Commander Ezra Levant asked Mark Carney about a certain assault and false arrest of this very reporter at the hands of RCMP goon Greg Dumouchel?

You see, back in January 2024, I was simply trying to scrum Chrystia Freeland at a vigil in Richmond Hill, Ont. But the deputy PM either sicced her bodyguard on me or Dumouchel, a.k.a., “Uncle Fester”, acted on his own accord, assaulting me and then falsely putting me under arrest for assaulting a peace officer (the charge was dropped within an hour).

Regardless, it was a shameful display of law enforcement and censorship.

When asked about these banana republic tactics last year, to his credit, Carney weighed in, stating the following about the assault and false arrest: “It was the wrong thing. It was absolutely the wrong thing.”

So, the question arises: how did Mark Carney go from a defender of freedom of the press to a censor? And in the space of 12 months no less?

Case in point: when Carney officially launched his campaign earlier this month in Edmonton, he actually had independent media frog-marched out the venue by law enforcement. Again: why? How is it that this man who would be Liberal leader has morphed into the mirror image of his chief political rival, Fraulein Freeland?

Fast-forward to last Saturday.

Carney was the guest of Nate Erskine-Smith, the Liberal MP for the Toronto riding of Beaches-East York. Erskine-Smith was hosting a pep rally for Carney at a small eatery called the Beaches Brewpub & Kitchen. And what do you know? Carney’s media relations policy changed — which is to say, this time around, he banished both independent media AND the mainstream media to the frigid outdoors!

That’s right: Carney, in a matter of days, has now reimagined himself as an equal opportunity censor...

Yet, wouldn’t you think that someone who wants to be the next Liberal leader and prime minister would want to make a name for himself? Apparently not.

Is it because Carney doesn’t want to be challenged regarding some of the whoppers he’s uttered in recent weeks? Such as positioning himself as “an outsider” when he’s really the ultimate insider given that Carney has long advised this current government and was once the governor of the Bank of Canada (check old paper currency and you’ll see Carney’s signature)?

He's also branding himself as an agent of change. Really? How can that be when Liberal cabinet ministers are endorsing him? In this regard, he comes across as Canada’s version of Kamala Harris.

His speech, which we listened to from the sidewalk, lasted all of five minutes or so. Carney said when he crisscrosses the county, he hears the same two concerns from Canadians: first, they are anxious about the cost of living and the housing crisis. As to how he would fix these major problems, no policy planks were unveiled. Oh well.

Secondly, Carney said, Canadians want change and a “change of focus.” And what will he tangibly do to, you know, change things? Crickets

In the final analysis, it was fitting that this event was held in an eatery given that Carney was serving up nothing-burgers. And the Clara Pellers in attendance were left asking a rhetorical question: “Where’s the beef?!”

David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2025-01-28 19:41:33 -0500
    Trump should liberate us from Ottawa like America put down a communist revolution in Granada back in 1983. Canada is a clear and present danger to the safety of America. Tariffs did frighten the establishment but the idiots in charge want to fight Trump. It truly is like a champion boxer going up against an infant.