CAUGHT! Former NZ PM Jacinda Ardern and Canada’s immigration minister confronted at progressive summit

A summit at a secret location hosted by Canada 2020, an organization described as the “spine” of the Liberal Party of Canada by Maclean’s, saw so-called ‘global progressive political leaders and policy experts’ gather in Montreal, Quebec, on Saturday, September 22.

Rebel News journalists Alexa Lavoie and Guillaume Roy were there to ask accountability questions to the elites present. After scoping out the secret venue that was not posted publicly, Lavoie caught both Canada’s Immigration Minister, Marc Miller, who was once Trudeau’s groomsman, and the disgraced former Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern.

In a teaser clip posted on Lavoie's X account late Saturday evening, you can see her asking a question to Ardern as she walked outside the event venue. “They don’t like your ideas, why are you coming here in Canada to sell them to Canadians?” asked Lavoie.

In the short 14-second portion where the former PM was present, you can see her staff and handlers attempt to block Rebel’s camera when asked about why she was in Montreal in the first place.


Lavoie pressed Ardern as she went from the sidewalk to the get-away-car awaiting her, idling. “Why are you selling your bad ideas to Canadians?” she asked again.

Ardern resigned in 2023 after overseeing some of the harshest and most unscientific COVID lockdown measures in the world, citing the 'burnout' of public life. However, she seemed revitalized after accepting an invitation to speak at a far-left summit.

A full report will follow from Lavoie with her full interaction, including several other questions.

Efron Monsanto

Head of Video

Formerly Hamilton-based, now Toronto man and Head of Video Production for Rebel News, Efron Monsanto joined as an intern in 2017 and has been a Rebel ever since. While witnessing Canada succumb to government overreach through the powers of un-elected medical bureaucrats, he became a video journalist. Documenting police and municipal thuggery alike, he strives to shine light on the darkness that is covering Canada’s liberty.


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