City of Brampton under Mayor Patrick Brown becoming increasingly ‘dysfunctional,’ says councillor Jeff Bowman
‘Patrick Brown is ignoring his obligations to taxpayers and to the City of Brampton. He continues to take residents and taxpayers of our City for granted,’ reads a press release co-authored by Bowman and four other city councillors.
We recently attended a city council meeting in the City of Brampton, the first one to take place in months, thanks to the shenanigans of the Sneaky One, Mayor Patrick Brown. Brown and his useful idiots on council have stayed away from numerous council meetings due to “uncomfortable” items on the agenda. This playing hooky has resulted in a lack of quorum for the five councillors who actually want to get city business done.
One of those anti-Brown councillors happens to be Jeff Bowman, who granted us an interview during a break in the proceedings last week.
Bowman says thanks to Brown, Brampton has become an increasingly “dysfunctional” city. No surprise there, really.
Just consider Brown’s most recent transgressions, ranging from being disqualified for running as a candidate for the Conservative Party of Canada leadership, to our expose indicating that at least seven City of Brampton staffers were working on Brown’s CPC campaign without taking leaves of absence – something that is contrary to both Elections Canada rules and Brampton’s Code of Conduct provisions.
In any event, Bowman was a co-author of a press release that he and four other councillors recently signed off. The damning release stated: “The latest evidence of wrongdoing, showing that Brown has been using taxpayer-funded City Hall staff to work on his federal campaign to become the Conservative leader came as no surprise to us and members of the public who have watched for four years as the media have reported on irregularities in hiring and procurements. Brown’s friends have been getting lucrative contracts for work that was never completed.
“If the Mayor and these Councillors are not held accountable for their actions today they will continue to use this abusive tactic of not showing up to Council meetings to avoid the results of important audits and investigations from being made public so that taxpayers are fully aware of what’s happening at their City Hall. Patrick Brown is ignoring his obligations to taxpayers and to the City of Brampton. He continues to take residents and taxpayers of our City for granted.”
Utterly amazing. But that’s how Pitiful Patrick and his council cronies roll: when they get wind of unwelcome news being on the agenda, they derail the democratic process. It is as though they are continually proroguing Parliament. How is this even allowed? (Speaking of Parliament, once again, ask yourself, dear viewers: can you imagine if the fake conservative Brown were to emerge as leader of the CPC? And – God forbid – emerged as our next Prime Minister? There were good reasons why the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario made this weasel walk the plank in 2018 when he was the then-leader; there were also good reasons why the national Conservatives wanted nothing to do with him either.)
In any event, we touched upon many subjects in our interview with Councillor Bowman. But the bottom line: under Brown’s “leadership,” the City of Brampton in the past four years has emerged as a municipal laughingstock, thanks to the Sneaky One’s never-ending shenanigans…
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