Councillor Lisa Robinson continues to stand up to the woke, censorious thugs at Pickering City Council. And for taking a stand, it has cost her…
Talk about control freaks! In Pickering, Ont., most members of City Council are gung-ho when it comes to stifling debate and discussion and even freedom of the press.
For example, if someone says something or posts something on social media that is deemed to be negative towards a city councillor, that person shall receive a visit by a bylaw enforcement officer and be served with a notice of… trespass!? That’s right, bylaw officers are now the Thought Police in Pickering. Indeed, several citizens have received such notices, prohibiting them from venturing onto city properties due to committing the sin of… “wrong thought”?
And check out these other censorious measures: delegation times have been slashed from 10 minutes to five minutes; there is no longer a question and answer period; media outlets have to be “approved” by two-thirds of council in order for the journalist to cover the meeting; recording meetings on cellphones is now prohibited; and there are allegations that the live feed of council meetings are allegedly being manipulated and censored.
And oh, by the way, armed members of the Durham Regional Police Service are now routine fixtures at council meetings, always on standby to remove or even criminally charge those who do not “behave.”
So, what’s going on here? After all, we thought the City of Pickering is situated in the Dominion of Canada – not the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
Check out our in-depth interview with the one councillor, Lisa Robinson, who has taken a stand against this censorious behaviour. Alas, Lisa has literally paid a price for going against the grain, having three months of her salary docked due to politically incorrect thoughts.
The good news: despite the bullying and harassment Lisa has endured, she does not plan to bend the knee anytime soon. But take note: Lisa warns that what is happening in Pickering can take root in any Canadian municipality. In that regard, consider her story a cautionary tale.

David Menzies
Mission Specialist
David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.