Despite corruption, cover-ups, and cronyism, Sneaky Patrick Brown was re-elected in Brampton

As the municipal election polls closed on Monday, we ventured out to the Speranza Banquet Hall in Brampton, Ont., headquarters for Team Patrick Brown. Would Sneaky Patrick get re-elected? Or would this be a case of down goes Brown as Brampton’s full-time mayor and part-time Zamboni/beaver inspector?

One thing is always a certainty when it comes to this lying liar, he excels at the 3 C's:  corruption, cover-ups, and cronyism. In fact, in some circles, he is downright toxic. The Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario wants nothing to do with him. and that’s because Brown is like that Peanuts character, Pigpen… wherever Sneaky Patrick ventures, a dust-cloud of scandal follows.

And where does one begin when it comes to itemizing the scandals? How about “Brampton University” – a place of higher learning that does not exist but somehow consultants close to Brown got paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, for nothing.

And how was it that Brampton was the most locked-down city in Brampton during the pandemic – but Brown found a way to sneak into an arena to play hockey with his Barrie buddies every week? 

Also, how about the secret campaign headquarters Brown established in Vaughan (staffed by City of Brampton employees) for his ill-fated run to become CPC leader? 

Oh, and who paid for the hundreds of thousands of dollars in Brown’s home renovations? And who paid for that $200,000 backyard hockey rink? Surely not the same person behind a numbered company that received a $1 million cheque for supplying Brampton with PPE (and why was that cheque sent to an Ottawa post office box?) 

Oh, so many scandals, so little time.

In any event, within minutes of arrival at the Speranza Banquet Hall, we were given the bum’s rush by security guards who got a little handsy at time. You see, only state-funded media stenographers were allowed to cover the proceedings on this night. 

So, under threat of being charged for trespassing, we ventured over to Nikki Kaur’s campaign headquarters where we were welcomed with open arms. By the time we got there, alas, the election had been called; Brown was re-elected, and Kaur was gracious in defeat.

Still, what does it say about democracy and/or the City of Brampton that someone as corrupt as Sneaky Patrick can get another term despite endless scandals? 

There is a silver lining, however sources say it looks like the council will split 6-5 in favour of those councillors who are opposed to Brown. That will serve as a governor of sorts in terms of Brown trying to ramrod through his various agenda items. 

And here’s a prediction: Brown will not serve out his full term as mayor given that sources tell us there are various investigations afoot. Stay tuned, and hopefully the second reign of Brown will be short-lived. indeed.

David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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