Docs: Painting convoy to Ottawa as 'ideologically motivated' extremists was talking point prepped by Public Safety

Public Safety briefing notes show bureaucrats gave politicians talking points to remind listeners to continue to get their information from the Trudeau government or from Liberal-friendly sources.

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The Public Safety Minister's office's plans to smear protesters against COVID restrictions began as the Freedom Convoy landed in the nation's capital on January 28, as evidenced in new documents obtained by Rebel News through access to information filings. 

An email from the Minister's office instructed the department and RCMP to focus on an “ideologically motivated angle” in writing their briefing notes and media talking points on the truckers.

The minister's office has made the following request: 

The national security and cybersecurity branch should respond on the" ideologically motivated angle, RCMP should be consulted and provide some lines on the legitimacy of the convoy and how the protest is going in terms of peacefulness and violence.

The email links to CBC's coverage of the convoy. 

Please ensure that the proposed speaking points reflect any recent media lines or recent comments by ministers on the issue.

A follow-up briefing note prepared the next day alleged that protest was “gaining momentum and possibly expanding to include groups and individuals with extremist ideologies”, but the note does not provide any evidence whatsoever.

In the same briefing note, the bureaucrats give politicians talking points to remind people to continue to get their information from the government or Liberal-friendly sources.

Ideologically motivated extremist push their hateful narratives and divisive conspiracy theories both online and offline. Canadian should always be mindful of where they get their sources of information and where possible, always seek advice and guidance from official trusted sources.

Those are the same trusted news sources that reported a woman who danced on the grave of the Unknown Soldier.

True North: Woman who stood on Tomb of Unknown Soldier not affiliated with convoy

Those are the same trusted news sources that reported the convoy was somehow involved in an arson when it wasn't.

LifeSiteNews: High-profile arson attack not related to Freedom Convoy, Canadian police admit

Those are the same trusted news sources who said that Russia was somehow behind the freedom convoy when it wasn't.

Canoe: CBC issues clarification over claim Kremlin behind truckers' protest

Those are the same trusted news sources that said guns were found in the convoy when they weren't.

Western Standard: Police chief says no loaded firearms found at Freedom Convoy protest

And those are the same trusted news sources which parroted the government's talking points that the police asked for the invocation of the Emergencies Act when they did not.

Rebel News is proudly independent and takes no money from any level of government. This story was made possible through crowd-funding to our special research fund,


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