EA Games promotes pro-trans narrative with update for The Sims 4, adding chestbinders and breast removal surgery scars

The recently released update to the life simulation video game “The Sims 4” has drawn the ire of many within the gaming community for its commitment to radical gender ideology.

The update for the game, which is aimed at children ages 12 and up, offers an array of customization options aimed at players seeking to appear transgender, including breast removal surgery scars and garments like chest binders and packing underwear.

The “Create a Sim” character creator now has a “Top Surgery Scar” subcategory, which can be added to male Sims characters aged Teen or older. Furthermore, chest binders can be found under the “Tanks” subcategory in the “Tops” section, while “tucking underwear” can be situated under “Bottoms” in the “underwear” subcategory.

These additions are not the first time the popular video game creators have opted for pro-transgender standards. Since 2016, players of both genders have been able to mix and match masculine and feminine traits, and back in 2022, an update allowed users to choose their Sims character’s sexual orientations and pronouns.

At the time, game developer and publisher EA Games collaborated with the LGBTQ advocacy groups “It Gets Better Project” and GLAAD to determine how to implement the pronoun feature.

“The Sims 4” producer John Faciane referred to the partnership between the game and these groups as “a step in the direction of a more inclusive experience for Simmers.” Faciane also noted that while the update isn’t the “be-all end-all of representation” it still stands as an example of what can be accomplished, per the Washington Post.

In light of these developments, EA Games released a statement at the time emphasizing they would continue to update this feature to make “The Sims 4” more inclusive.

However, the update still included gendered language such as “mother” and “father.” This latest shift towards transgender representation has further stoked the fire of those opposed to the idea, and as such reactions to this update remain polarized.

Ian Miles Cheong


Ian Miles Cheong is a freelance writer, graphic designer, journalist and videographer. He’s kind of a big deal on Twitter.



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