EXCLUSIVE! Former friend of Kerry Lemieux weighs in on the world’s most infamous shop teacher

Alas, the beginning of the end regarding Lemieux’s cosplay saga had very much to do with Rebel News exposing his fraudulent behaviour.

Much like Jason Voorhees, the goalie mask-clad knifeman of Friday the 13th fame, just when you think you’ve heard the last of Kerry Lemieux, well, he comes… bouncing… back into the news cycle.

Lemieux emerged as the most infamous shop teacher in the world back in September, 2022, when he showed up to class in such an outlandish getup it would make a drag queen blush.

His costume included a long blond wig, skintight bicycle shorts, a clinging white top… and… gee, I’m forgetting something… Oh yeah! Those giant fake Z-cup boobs!

Incredibly, Lemieux’s grotesque cosplay was tolerated by the principal of Oakville Trafalgar High School. In fact, Lemieux was also tolerated and practically celebrated as an example of diversity by the woke-joke educrats who comprise the Halton District School Board. As far as the so-called “conservative” education minister of the day, Stephen Lecce, well the cowardly Lecce proved to be about as useful as “tits on a bull” as the saying goes.

Alas, the beginning of the end regarding Lemieux’s cosplay saga had very much to do with Rebel News exposing his fraudulent behaviour.

You see, one of the few on-the-record interviews Lemieux ever offered was to the New York Post. And what an interview! Indeed, Lemieux claimed that his Z-cup mammary glands weren’t props, but rather, the result of a very rare medical condition. And he was powerless to do anything about this alleged disability. No seriously… “Frankenboob” was playing the handicap card!

That worked just fine and dandy – at least with the dunces running the education system – until we bumped into Lemieux at a Burlington shopping mall in April, 2023. And what do you know? Lemieux was wearing male haberdashery and was boob-less in Burlington.

After this expose, Lemieux’s house of cards came tumbling down. Eventually, he parted ways with the Halton District School Board.

But fast-forward to September 2023, and Lemieux suddenly re-emerged at a new school under the in a different school board district, namely the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board.

But this time, the he who presented as a she was back to being a he again. Gone were the fake breasts and the stripper attire; Lemieux was literally a new man, disposing of the Z-cups and donning male clothing.

For more than a year, the Lemieux saga went silent. But then, a few months ago, Lemieux re-emerged – in full drag mode!

We came across photos of Lemieux on an online dating site; as well, Lemieux was spotted shopping in Niagara Falls, again, in cosplay mode.

Yet, the question arises: is Lemieux wearing this getup in class again?

You’d think that would be an easy query to answer. It’s either yes or no. But the useless principal at Nora Frances Henderson Secondary School, Tom Fisher, and the spokesthingys at the HWDSB, won’t respond to our queries. We’ve phoned, emailed, even paid personal visits. And mum’s the word, no pun intended. Why the lack of transparency?

But several days ago, a former friend of Lemieux reached out to Rebel News. This was a major development given that all during the Lemieux saga, a missing piece of the puzzle was that nobody in the media was ever able to track down a friend or family member of this individual. Until now…

Here’s the skinny: “Sara”, not her real name, is a gender studies graduate. She’s been photographed with Lemieux on occasion, and passersby have shared those pics online. Sara did not want to come on camera. But she consented to an audio interview.

And just wait until you hear what she has to say!

Spoiler alert: the story of Busty Lemieux has nothing to do with transgenderism. And it is not a story of somebody playing a prank on woke school boards. Rather, this is a story that would appear to be about someone struggling with severe mental health issues. And yet, he is allowed to be in the company of minors? That’s gross. That’s irresponsible. It might even be dangerous.

So, who do you have more contempt for? Someone who might be mentally ill and desperately needs treatment? Or the educrats – from the principals and school boards to the Ministry of Education and the teachers’ unions – all of whom have little problem with Lemieux, all in the ludicrous and mistaken belief that this crank is a textbook example of diversity, equity and inclusion?

Please donate to support David Menzies reporting on Trans Madness!

David Menzies is under attack for daring to report the truth. Now, Ash Davis — a biological male competing against women in rugby — is taking David to court, trying to censor Rebel News’ coverage with baseless claims of harm and privacy violations. Powerful forces — activist groups, government bodies, and even law enforcement — are enabling this legal harassment to silence him. But David won’t back down, and neither will we. If you believe in defending freedom of speech and exposing the agenda behind radical woke ideology, we need your help. Chip in today to support David’s fearless journalism and his fight against those who want him silenced.


David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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  • Tom Mcilravey
    commented 2025-01-13 18:30:15 -0500
    Who in their right mind would allow Lemieux to teach or be around their children/students? And who would allow Davis to play in womens rugby. Are the rubber rooms gone in Ontario?
  • John Landry
    commented 2025-01-13 18:06:06 -0500
    He’s obviously a Pedo.
  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2025-01-13 17:40:50 -0500
    This is why we need Rebel News. They actually investigate fakers like Lemioux. No other news organization did until Rebel News reported on him.