Finally! Trespass notices issued to the Hamas hobos illegally squatting at the University of Toronto

The University of Toronto is world-renowned for its medical school. And we think we have proof positive that this faculty produces excellent surgeons indeed. Case in point: U of T president Meric Gertler has finally been reunited with his spine. And perhaps even his testicles.

After all, President Gertler, a.k.a., the Invisible Man (move from ver, Mitch Marner) has finally stepped forward after three long smelly weeks. Last Thursday afternoon, Gertler told the Hitler Youth campers at Little Gaza that enough is enough.

Which is to say, Gertler gave the unhappy campers 24 hours notice to leave. Otherwise, notices of trespass would be issued on Friday. And if those notices are ignored (spoiler alert: the trespass notices are being ignored) then at long last the cops will be called and the university will divest itself of this festering tent city once and for all.

Speaking of divestment, Gertler says U of T has no plans to acquiesce to the thugs here by ending any ties with Israeli institutions. He stated: “The University will not terminate any partnerships with Israeli universities or attempt to curtail scholars’ academic freedom in any way. The University rejects calls for cutting ties with international partner institutions or engaging in academic boycotts because these actions would be at odds with our commitment to academic freedom, the unfettered global circulation of people and ideas, and advancing understanding by fostering collaboration and dialogue.”

Predictably, Gertler’s ultimatum did not go over well with the Hamas hobos. For example, U of T student Sait Simsek stated the following online: “This encampment will stay. If one is destroyed, another will arise. As a U of T student, I am willing and ready to be arrested.”

Oh, good golly, Miss Molly! Simsek is ready to be arrested? Hey pal, you can get arrested these days in Toronto simply for practicing journalism; being tossed in the paddywagon for breaking numerous sections of the Trespass Act is no biggie, really.

Of course, the ending to this sordid story will involve law enforcement at some point moving in. The question is: when?

Another question: how far are the campers willing to go in defending “Little Gaza”?

After all, the marketing geniuses at King’s College Circle have come up with three names in less than three weeks to describe this filthy encampment.

For example, this makeshift shantytown is also known as “The People’s Circle For Palestine.”

As well, some call it Palestine Martyr’s Square. The thing is, it’s not a square, it’s a circle. And we’re pretty sure they mean several martyrs, not just one. That means “martyrs” should read S-apostrophe (plural), not apostrophe-S (singular.)

Oh well, who cares about grammar…

But the thing is, do these indoctrinated idiots even know that the definition of “martyr” is somebody who is killed for their beliefs?

Sure, they’re willing to cosplay as martyrs, but we doubt they are all-in for the full Monty vis-a-vis martyrdom when the riot squad comes calling.

Speaking of which, on Friday just after 4 p.m., the trespass notices were indeed served. The university wants these squatters and their tents gone by 8 a.m., Monday, May 27. Will they voluntarily stand down or will law enforcement have to “whack ‘em and stack ‘em” as the saying goes? Stay tuned: Rebel News will be on the scene at Little Gaza bright and early this coming Monday morning.

David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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