Health Canada’s ongoing failure to provide COVID-19 vaccine risk analysis after a three-year investigation
Since 2021, Canada’s regulatory agency has been filibustering access to information documents and has generally been unable to ascertain the risk-versus-benefit calculation used to justify the expedited novel COVID-19 mRNA injections for children.
The novel COVID-19 mRNA injections were first authorized under an Interim Order in December 2020, allowing the shots to be expedited into the arms of Canadians aged 18 and older.
By the end of May 2021, Health Canada was authorizing the Pfizer jab for children and youth aged 17 and under.
This prompted principled physicians like emergency room doctor Jean-Marc Benoit to ask what the risk-benefit justification was for this decision, as Pfizer claimed that their shot “demonstrated 100% efficacy and robust antibody response.”
It’s a claim that purported flagship broadcasts like the CBC National parroted un-questionably.
CNN , ABC, CBS, CNBC followed their pharma masters' marching orders by falsely headlining the same.
Doctor Benoit explains that this claim only means that the injections produced antibodies in blood work seven days post-injection and did not demonstrate the prevention of infection or death.
At that time, Dr. Benoit was asking the Biologic and Radiopharmaceutical Drugs Directorate division of Health Canada for the data and the risk-versus-benefit calculation that confirms the safety of the recently authorized injection.
The response he received was shocking
Health Canada was using feelings, not facts, to drive their decision, feigning a “limited understanding of the virus.”
Except by June 2021, the agency had nearly 18 months of data showing that the flu was more statistically risky than COVID-19 for this demographic.
And if the understanding of the virus was so limited, then why was it necessary to expedite modified RNA injections riddled with DNA fragments and other contaminants through to children?
Apparently, because parents wanted it. The emotional support injections helped successfully fear mongered, propagandized parents and adults feel better about letting children get back to living after years of devastating social restrictions, school closures and lockdowns.
To be expected, when parents were receiving misleading information from CTV News and president of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Alex Munter, about vaccinating children in achieving herd immunity.
To be sure that Health Canada could not ascertain a risk benefit analysis, Rebel News filed an access to information request, asking for copies of communications and notes about any risk analysis done regarding the approval of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 12 to 17.
The agency tried to unload 254,188 pages worth of documentation before it was clarified that the only request was for the quantitative risk-benefit calculation used to justify the injection authorization in youth. That’s it
Health Canada took a 365-day extension on this basic task in September 2021, and it's been silent ever since.
In July 2022, Rebel sent a media request to the agency inquiring about the quantitative risk-benefit analysis used to justify the authorization of Pfizer’s shot in children aged 5-11 and those aged 12–17.
Another request was sent in October 2023.
All to no avail.
If the claim that the shots are safe and effective were based on sound science and not a marketing scheme propaganda, then it’s safe to say that this question would have been easily answered... years ago.
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