How did TorStar get a lucrative online gambling licence from Doug Ford's government?
As the saying goes, politics makes strange bedfellows. But the uncanny relationship between the Doug Ford Progressive Conservative party and TorStar is truly mind boggling.
Recently, we sat down with New Blue of Ontario Party leader Jim Karahalios about a a business arrangement between TorStar and the province of Ontario. And what Karahalios had to say was truly astonishing.
Namely, the Ontario government gave newspaper publisher TorStar a licence to launch an online gambling portal.
That’s right, a company that was on life support, thanks to publishing newspapers fewer and fewer people are reading, and fewer and fewer advertisers are supporting these days, quite literally hit the jackpot with this licence.
But what does TorStar know about online gaming and sports wagering? And more pressing, how did TorStar get this plum in the first place?
Of all corporate entities in the province, surely TorStar would be last on the list in terms of receiving a gift that Karahalios claims is worth potentially $500 million per year.
That’s because before becoming premier, Doug Ford would regularly lambaste the Toronto Star based on how it viciously reported on him and his late, great brother, Rob. Yet all is now apparently forgiven?
We reached out to TorStar, but they did not respond to our requests for comment.
Could it be the unspoken strategy here is a subtle form of bribery?
Given that the provincial election is just six weeks away, could it be that there is now a gentleman’s agreement in place in which TorStar gets a licence to print money in exchange for election coverage that is more favourable for the Ford PCs?
If that isn’t the reason, what is the reason?
And so it is that Ford and TorStar are apparently buddies now. Who could’ve seen this coming? Indeed, surely the odds of this occurring — based on the previous history of Premier Ford and the Toronto Star — would make the most reckless gambler cringe…

David Menzies
Mission Specialist
David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.