How do I change my RebelNews+ password? (Already logged in)

While logged in, hover over the ‘Account’ menu in the top-right corner of the page, a drop-down menu will appear with the following options: ‘Details’, ‘Billing’ and ‘Change Password’. 

Select ‘Change Password’ and a pop-up will appear. Click your mouse in the ‘Password’ field and enter your current password.  

Next, in the following two fields, enter what you wish your new password to be. Click ‘Update’ and your password will be changed. 

You can now enter your new password along with your email address to log into 

For visual instructions on how to login, please view below:

  • By David Menzies

The Truth About Springfield

Springfield, Ohio, a town of 50,000, saw 20,000 migrants from Haiti arrive, causing a culture shock. Locals reported pets like kittens and geese being stolen, cooked, and eaten. But is this true, or just Internet click-bait? We've sent David Menzies to find out.

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