“I make people healthy. I am essential”: Ottawa gym owner gives update after repeated fines
You may recall the story of Zach Boissinot, the owner of A Foot Above Fitness located in Orléans, Ont. Back in October, he received several hundred dollars in fines for having the temerity to open his gym.
Alas, in Doug Ford’s Ontario, breaking a sweat to improve one’s physical and even mental acumen is verboten. Premier “Ontario [NOT] Open for Business” Ford would much rather citizens stay home and bake cherry cheesecake (which will surely help in the fight against such ailments as obesity, diabetes, etc.).
Zach was one of our first Canadian I Will Open cases. But alas, bylaw has been relentless. They continue to visit A Foot Above Fitness and fine Zach for the ‘crime’ of providing a service that his clients so desperately want. Much like Adam Skelly of Adamson Barbecue, it seems as if the authorities want to make an example of Mr. Boissinot.
Zach recently visited Toronto to take part in the Yahoo Nation anti-lockdown protest — which law enforcement recently brutally shut down for the first time since these protests first began last April.
But then again, that’s apparently how things roll in Canada these days.
Indeed, Zach notes that when bylaw visits his gym, they now typically bring along the police as well — even though Zach has never acted out physically or uttered any threats when being fined. So, why the presence of armed police? Solely for intimidation purposes? Sad.

David Menzies
Mission Specialist
David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.