LGBT activists fail to coerce Catholic school board into raising Pride flag
Thankfully, decency and sanity prevailed on this night as the Pride flag motion was yet again defeated.
It was déjà vu all over again at the Mississauga, Ont.-based headquarters of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board.
Which is to say that for the THIRD time in less than six months, the Rainbow Mafia along with their chief Don, former Ontario premier Kathleen Wynne, tried yet again to coerce the board to raise the “Progress” Pride flag at its schools for the entire month of June.
So much for that old chestnut, “third time lucky.”
Thankfully, sanity and family values prevailed as the Spirit Unicorns went down to defeat in their quest to promote indoctrination over education. (It remains unknown how many LGBT’ers required grief counseling in the aftermath of this most recent rejection…)
But the inclusion of Wynne – who declined to answer questions from Rebel News – shows that the LGBT’ers do not take no for an answer. Expect more delegations clamouring for the raising of the Pride flag in the months ahead.
Too bad Wynne was so camera shy. We wanted to find out why she was pressuring a Catholic school board given that she is not even Catholic.
Also, when Wynne was in power, the quality of education plummeted in the province. Oh, and there was that little scandal involving her close friend, Benjamin Levin. Levin was the deputy education minister who authored Ontario’s controversial sex-ed curriculum. Alas, Levin was later convicted on child pornography charges, including the making of child porn. Oops.
Alas, Wynne had no comment. Shameful.
Back to the flag debate, par for the course, the arguments this time around consisted of more of the same-old, same-old. Typically, that the Pride flag is “inclusive” when it comes to the rank-and-file of the Rainbow Mafia and to not fly the flag is a form of “discrimination”.
Trustees on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board upheld a previous decision not to fly the Pride Progress flag, despite efforts to overturn the ruling from the radical woke activists who head the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association.
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) January 23, 2025
As well, not having the Pride flag flying in June could actually be a matter of life and death when it comes to certain vulnerable members of the LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP community (that’s the preferred initialism of certain teachers’ unions, by the way.) Gosh, who knew that this multicoloured flag had such life-saving powers?
On the other side of the debate, delegates argued that if one is attending a Catholic school in Ontario, isn’t the cross and the Canadian flag inclusive of everybody regardless of nationality, sexual orientation, gender identification, and so on? And wouldn’t flying the Pride flag for a month set a slippery slope precedent regarding other special interest groups that would demand to have their flags flown as well?
Thankfully, decency and sanity prevailed on this night as the Pride flag motion was yet again defeated.
Still, will the Rainbow Mafia accept defeat? We doubt it. There will surely be another kick at this can.
But more ominous is the “nuclear option” when it comes to the flag debate. Which is to say, how long will it be before the Spirit Unicorns file a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, thereby weaponizing this kangaroo court to actually FORCE Catholic schools to fly Pride flags (and financially penalizing those school boards that refuse to do so?)
This is not conjecture: the HRTO carried out this malicious mandate against the Township of Emo last year. Indeed, welcome to Justin Trudeau’s Canada, in which free speech has been eclipsed by compelled speech.
The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal is forcing Emo Township to affirm and compensate the Rainbow Mafia. Meanwhile, townspeople are being scared into silence under threat of litigation and financial penalization.
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) December 16, 2024
In the final analysis, the irony is both profound and perverse. The LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP-and-sometimes-Y community has long clamoured for tolerance and acceptance. It has achieved all their human rights goals. But since doing so, the radicalized ringleaders in this community are now the most intolerant and unaccepting people of all.

David Menzies
Mission Specialist
David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.

Cathy MacMullin commented 2025-01-29 20:40:28 -0500I wish they would just go live their own lives and stop trying to indoctrinate children into the world of misguided souls. What an extremely lost society our government has built – yes the government is always the evil behind these movements. The schools since feminism (which Rockefeller’s created and planned so they could not only tax men but women as well) was to get the children into their system to program them to their agenda. We live in a world much worse than Sodom and Gomorrah’s time. And Satan does not have to work hard at all – he just laughs and watches as souls fall into hell like snowflakes fall from the sky.
Bruce Atchison commented 2025-01-29 19:41:49 -0500These perverse people never give up so we must never surrender either. They’ll keep being a noisy minority trying to boss us all around. It reminds me of a video I saw. A rabbit was bossing around a flock of sheep.