Liberal MP Ya'ara Saks wants to 'build bridges,' so why is she always running and hiding?
Rebel News yet again tries to get answers from the Trudeau Liberals' cabinet minister, only to be ordered to leave the premises before doing so. Nevertheless, our trusty billboard truck was able to help deliver a message to Ya'ara Saks on behalf of her constituents.
Ya’ara Saks is many things. She is the Liberal MP for the riding of York Centre in Toronto. Saks is also the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health. She is also perhaps the most self-hating Jew in Canada.
You see, Saks went on a junket last year to the Middle East in order to… well, actually, we don’t know what the ostensible policy reason was. Saks is not the prime minister nor the minister of foreign affairs. Why was she dispatched overseas in the first place — unless she was jonesing for a taxpayer-funded holiday?
To be fair, she did a little work on that holiday. Such as meeting — and even getting cuddly — with Mahmoud Abbas. He’s the president of the Palestinian Authority. He is also a terrorist who runs a “pay for slay” operation, offering cash for those jihadis who murder Israelis.
Given that Saks is a Canadian-Israeli Jew, wouldn’t Abbas be a very odd character to hobnob with? Oh well…
We’ve tried to scrum Saks on this issue several times. But she always runs away and hides — sometimes in a car, sometimes in an elevator. So much for transparency… Too bad.
We have so many other queries for her, aside from the Abbas debacle. For example, Saks is most famous — or would that be infamous? — for an astonishing quote she made when demonizing and vilifying the patriots who were taking part in the Ottawa Freedom Convoy in 2022. She suggested they were… Nazis?!
Oh yeah, check out the video evidence…
Apparently, in the kooky cranium of Ya’ara Saks, honking a horn twice is an “acronym” for “heil Hitler”.
For the educational benefit of Ms. Saks, a pair of sonic blasts from a truck horn is most definitely NOT an acronym. So, let’s school the MP, shall we? The definition of an acronym is: “An abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word.’’
In other words, something like a PIN — a.k.a., personal identification number — is an acronym. Thus, horn honking is not an acronym. Heck, it’s not even an initialism.
By the way, why does Saks not condemn the horn-honking by the pro-Hamas crowd that takes to the streets every weekend, from “Gaza Plaza” in Mississauga to the corner of Bathurst and Sheppard (that Toronto intersection happens to be located smack dab in Ya’ara Saks’s riding by the way, but, never mind.)
This new-age Hitler Youth Movement likes to celebrate the Oct. 7. 2023 massacre in Israel — the biggest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust. Does that strike you as kinda “Nazi-ish”? And these hooligans like to lay on the horn when ensconced in a motor vehicle. But Saks is completely silent on this “heil Hitler” behaviour. Why? Diversity? Baffling.
And let’s not forget that it was her own Liberal government that, in 2023, welcomed a bona fide Nazi, Yaroslav Hunka, into the House of Commons — to a standing ovation no less. Oops.
And let’s not forget that the woman-who-would-be-prime-minister, Chrystia Freeland, is the granddaughter of a Nazi collaborator.
Gee, it looks like there’s a whole of “heil Hitler-ing” taking place at the Liberal Party of Canada, doesn’t it?
So it was that Rebel News hoped to attend a Ya’ara Saks fundraiser that was being held at Toronto’s posh Granite Club last Friday. The event was entitled, “Building Bridges: An Evening with Ya'ara Saks and Yafa Sakkejha in Conversation.”
According to the Canadian Jewish News:
Yafa Sakkejha was named after the city of Jaffa, where, until 1948, her Palestinian grandparents lived and owned property and managed orange groves. Sakkejha’s mother grew up in East Jerusalem, but left the country during the First Intifada in the late 1980s.
Sakkejha, who was born and raised in Toronto, feels deep pain over the devastation that has resulted from Oct. 7 — not just for the Palestinian people and her own relatives still living in the war zone, but also for the Israeli victims, hostages and Canadian Jews facing antisemitism.
That’s why Sakkejha is now taking an active role in an Israeli peace-building initiative called Friends of Standing Together. It’s a branch of the original organization, founded in 2015 by Jews and Palestinians living in Israel, who are working for peace, civil rights and security for both sides. Since the war began, Standing Together has called on both sides to end the fighting.
You know what? Sounds to us that Yafa Sakkejha is way more pro-Jew and pro-Israel than Ya’ara Saks! After all, we have no evidence that Sakkejha likes to hobnob with jihadi terrorists…
In any event, admittance to this undoubtedly riveting conversation was restricted. And Rebel News, par for the course, was ordered to leave the premises. Luckily, we brought along our Jumbotron-equipped truck. The screens displayed Saks’s odious and egregious record as an MP much to her chagrin.
Oh, and the cost of attending this fundraiser? $250! Sounds to us that this event was overpriced by $249.99…

David Menzies
Mission Specialist
David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.

Bruce Atchison commented 2025-02-04 22:43:09 -0500Liberals like Y’ara Saks can’t handle the truth. So she hids in exclusive clubs with her rich supporters. So much for the most transparent government promised by Trudeau in 2015. It’s as opaque as a black hole star.