Is the UK becoming like CCP China? Freedom campaigners think so!

Mass surveillance, facial recognition cameras, digital IDs, a cashless society and a tyrannical government intent on digitally enslaving the population. This is the dystopian future freedom campaigners fear is coming to the UK.

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Friday 21 April 2023, Rebel News UK followed a group of grassroots freedom campaigners as they took to the London Underground to warn citizens of what they believe is a dystopian future coming to the UK. They gave speeches on the London underground whilst holding placards and handing out leaflets, warning the general public about a potential dystopian future facing the UK. The group of freedom campaigners fear a Chinese style Social Credit System could make its way to the streets of Britain.

The Chinese Social Credit System is a broad regulatory framework intended to report on the ‘trustworthiness’ of individuals, corporations, and governmental entities across China. The higher your score, the more things you can buy and the more perks you’re entitled to. In contrast, the lower your score, the less things you can buy and the lower quality of purchases you can make, such as being limited to using only the bus instead of the quicker and more comfortable high-speed rail. The system relies on 100s of millions of CCTV cameras with ANPR and facial recognition software watching citizens movements. The Social Credit System also has the ability to track citizen’s purchases and store all their essentially details like financial status, medical records and online behaviour, all in one database.

Freedom activists in the UK fear that countries in the west are heading down the same dystopian path as China. This is because of policies being implanted, technology being installed and urban planning ideas which are becoming popular and encouraged by the UK government. The Prime Minister and Bank of England have announced cash is going digital, with the digital pound by 2030 which has stokes fears that with increased digitisation the risk of governmental abuse is greater.

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