MPP Sarah Jama is finally removed from caucus – and MPP Jill (everything is racist/sexist) Andrew isn’t happy!
Ontario NDP leader Marit Stiles proves once again that even a broken clock is correct twice a day. That’s because Stiles finally decided to oust Hamilton Centre MPP Sarah Jama from caucus.
Jama has a long history of professing anti-Semitic sentiments. And she simply couldn’t help weighing in on social media regarding the massacre that occurred in Israel on October 7.
One of her odious tweets was the following: “I'm reflecting on my role as a politician who is participating in this settler colonial system, and I ask that all politicians do the same. I call for an immediate ceasefire and de-escalation. We must look to the solution to this endless cycle of death and destruction: end all occupation of Palestinian land and end apartheid.”
Where does one even begin? For example, what is this nonsense about apartheid? Is Jama referring to the state of Israel in 2023 or South Africa circa 1983 – or is she outright lying about reality?
Naturally, she professed no condemnation regarding the butchers who comprise the rank and file of Hamas who happened to massacre 1,400 Israelis on October 7.
Then Jama attended a march calling for an intifada and wiping Israel off the map. The flag of Hamas was displayed at this lovefest. Charming.
By the way, we tried to get Jama or one of her staffers on camera for an interview. Some two weeks ago we visited her Hamilton constituency office. Guess what? Nobody was home. They received some nasty tweets and voicemails, so suddenly the office was “unsafe.” We tried phoning.
The voicemail box was full. Customer. Service. Excellence.
But the thing is, not everybody in the Ontario NDP is happy with Jama’s removal. Especially Jill Andrew, the NDP MPP for Toronto-St. Paul's.
Yes, once again Jill Andrew makes news for all the wrong reasons. Now normally I wouldn’t care about anything Jill Andrew has to say.
But I have a special kinship with Jill Andrew. You see, back in 2016, I recorded a rant about Jill condemning a Toronto Transit Commission ad campaign. For some reason, it remains my most popular video to date, garnering almost 2 million views! Was it Jill’s joker-like insanity that made it so popular? You see, she was triggered by thin ballet dancers in the ad. Apparently this is fat shaming. Or something…
So, why is Jill Andrew so upset about the removal of Sarah Jama from caucus you might ask? Well, because it’s RACIST and SEXIST of course. It’s always about racism and sexism when it comes to Jill Andrew. Indeed, Jill said the removal of Jama conjured “stereotypical tropes often used to communicate about black people, especially black women, who are perceived as difficult."
In the final analysis, if you live in Hamilton Centre and Toronto-St. Paul’s, you might just want to spend a little time researching the candidates who are vying for political office before you cast your ballot in the province’s next election come 2026. Thank you so much…

David Menzies
Mission Specialist
David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.