Accident or intimidation? Brampton mayoral candidate's office damaged

Nikki Kaur is surely the biggest challenger when it comes to defeating Patrick Brown for the position of Mayor of Brampton. Indeed, Kaur is Sneaky Patrick Brown’s worst nightmare. She used to be a City of Brampton staffer with the Chief Administrative Office, but she turned whistleblower.

According to the Pointer, Kaur accused senior city staffers of corruption, delinquent hiring practices and fraudulent procurement practices. She also accused other senior staffers of nepotism, bullying and the misuse of public funds.

Brown has axed all future Brampton City Council meetings, thereby blocking inquiries into cancelled investigations – something that might prove embarrassing for him, given the municipal election is set for October 24.

Last Friday evening, something very disturbing occurred at 100 Peel Centre Dr., the locale of Nikki Kaur’s campaign headquarters. Just after 8:30 p.m., a car launched from its parking space outside the office, hopped a few curbs, and then smashed through a plate glass window, causing considerable damage to the former TD Bank branch. The timing was certainly suspicious – just minutes earlier, the last remaining campaign volunteers had left the building. And Monday was to have been the official campaign kickoff for Kaur, which was then cancelled in the aftermath of the crash.

But questions linger: why did the driver not reverse from the parking spot, given that was the only way out of the spot?

And why did the driver continue to accelerate until the car hopped three curbs, eventually smashing through the plate glass window? And why is the driver’s name not being released by Peel Regional Police? Of note, the police say the incident was “accidental” and “non-suspicious,” although the matter is still under investigation.

But if the investigation hasn’t been completed yet, how has it already been determined that this incident was a non-suspicious accident?

Perhaps the biggest question is this: was this incident truly an accident – or was this a politically-motivated intimidation tactic directed at Ms. Kaur to make her bow out of the mayoral race? After all, Kaur knows where all the skeletons are buried at Brampton City Hall; she knows who’s who in the Brampton political zoo. And Patrick Brown is not pleased that she’s running for mayor.

We will continue to monitor the results of that police investigation because as of now, too many details simply do not add up. In other words, it’s business as usual in the dysfunctional City of Brampton under the “leadership” of Mayor Patrick Brown. 

David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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