No parental consent required for children who want to get the vaccine

The Peel Region — a large municipality outside Toronto sent out this tweet:

So 12-year-olds can consent to this without their parents? They’re children. The law says that most contracts with children are non-binding —you’ve heard of the phrase, taking candy from a baby, right? It’s the point that you can trick them; they’re not mature enough, skeptical enough, wise enough, experienced enough.

But apparently, 12-year-olds can “consent” to whether or not they want to be jabbed in the arm with an experimental drug that has not yet been approved, for an illness, COVID-19, that has less than a one in a million chance of killing a child. That’s not an exaggeration — it really is less than a one-in-a-million chance. COVID is an old person’s disease; really, for people who are already very sick and who are 80 or older.

On Friday's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra spoke about vaccines being used on children who really don't need them. On the vaccine being experimental Ezra said:

It's not approved, it's authorized. The difference being authorized means they'll let you do it, approved means they don't know if it's safe yet. Do you think 12-year olds know the difference between approved and authorized? Do you think 40-year olds do? 

This is only an excerpt of The Ezra Levant Show. To watch the full episode become a subscriber to RebelNews+.


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