Ontario corner stores to sell booze by 2026. Premier Doug Ford wants to treat Ontarians as 'adults' Well, not full adults, mind you…

Oh joy! Did you catch the latest news vis-a-vis the booze beat? The Government of Ontario is going to move the province all the way into the… 20th Century… by allowing booze to be sold at convenience stores, gas stations, and big box stores.

Talk about the Christmas miracle!

Indeed, some 8,500 new stores will be allowed to sell alcohol by 2026. Hallelujah!

Premier Doug Ford says it’s all about “treating people like adults.”

Did you hear that Mr. Joe and Mrs. Jane Ontario? In a few years’ time, you’re actually going to be treated like a bona fide adult when it comes to buying alcohol. Surely, that’s something to toast?

But checkout the fine print. True enough, convenience stores and gas stations and big box stores will be permitted to sell beer, wine, cider, seltzers, and coolers. And that’s truly a step in the right direction in terms of liquor liberation.

Yet, did you notice something missing from that list? Namely, hard liquor, such as Scotch, bourbon, Sambuca, vodka, whisky, rye and so on.

But why? No explanation was provided… other than you can always go to a government-owned Liquor Control Board of Ontario store for that stuff.

Alas and alack, in the words of Ontario’s number one cherry cheesecake enthusiast, Ontarians 19 and over need to be treated like adults… but it appears Ontarians are just not quite adult enough to buy a bottle of Jack Daniels at the local corner store.

Come on now, what do you think Ontario is? Alberta? Like, what are you? Impaired?

Oh well… thanks, anyway, Douggie. As always, it’s the thought that counts…

David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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