Pastor Art Pawlowski Tells His Life Story: From Communism to Man of God

A gun-carrying smuggler and private banker escapes communism and pursues his dream of coming to Canada, when a miracle directs his life towards serving God’s purpose.

This is not the logline of an upcoming Hallmark film, it is Artur Pawlowski’s life.

His story is unbelievable, and without knowing what he has lived through, it may be difficult to understand his uncompromising passion.

Most Canadians, particularly those born here, have grown accustomed to a degree of security and prosperity that is rarely experienced throughout the rest of the world.

In truth, our comparative quality of life is by all accounts a historical anomaly. For Canadians today, freedom just feels normal. Therein lies the problem: Many Canadians assume that things can’t get worse. They assume that the hard-fought freedoms we enjoy are a baseline, rather than principles to be jealously guarded.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski did not have the privilege of growing up Canadian. Artur has experienced a world where freedom was a dream, not an assumption.

For those individuals, whether private citizens or members of the press, who have derided Artur, for those who don’t not understand his convictions, for those who called him a terrorist or wished death upon him — I challenge that you might benefit from learning from someone who has seen the world from the margins.

Often the people who are most concerned about emerging totalitarian trends are those who have witnessed communism or extreme political corruption firsthand.

People who have been marginalized by the tyranny of unjust authorities speak out because they have lived through it once already, and once was enough. This is certainly the case with Artur.

Make sure to watch this full report, where I join Pastor Artur Pawlowski for a socially distanced and bail compliant interview to learn more about his life, his experiences, and his story.

Adam Soos

Calgary-based Journalist


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