Science confirms SV40 DNA in Pfizer’s COVID shot, validating concerns over unexplored genetic health risks

The peer-reviewed findings confirm the presence of significant residual DNA, including the controversial SV40 promoter, in Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, igniting further concern around the long-term risks, transmissibility, and potential gene therapy implications that regulators fail to address.

A recent peer-reviewed study led by three German researchers has confirmed the presence of significant amounts of residual DNA, including the controversial SV40 promoter, in Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine vials.

Titled BioNTech RNA-Based COVID-19 Injections Contain Large Amounts Of Residual DNA Including An SV40 Promoter/  Enhancer Sequence,” the findings validate previous research by genomics expert Kevin McKernan and virologist David Speicher, and further authenticates the concerns of people like former pharmacist specializing in regulatory oversight Maria Gutschi, molecular biologist Laura Braden, pediatric neurologist Eric Payne, biochemist Jessica Rose and more.

The findings directly contradict what infectious disease researcher Tara Moriarty told CUPE union members in September 2021 during a vaccine policy town hall where “vaccine hesitant” members had their concerns quelled through blatant misinformation by the supposed expert.

McKernan broke down the findings of the recently published study, raising serious concerns for public health with unprecedented, unregulated, and uncontrolled risks associated with these novel, modified RNA spike protein injections.

He calls the recent research “the final nail in the coffin” that confirms the presence of DNA, in disturbing amounts that are often three or fourfold higher than regulators have deemed ‘acceptable.’

McKernan points to another paper showing that the DNA amounts found in these vials are likely underestimated, with only 30% of the DNA being detected in standard analyses, suggesting the true amount of DNA in the vials could be as high as 100 to 140 nanograms (ng) – magnitudes higher than the FDA and WHO’s 10 ng/dose threshold.

Despite this research, and others confirming that DNA from vaccines is entering the bloodstream of individuals injected with mRNA, contamination continues with regulators failing to effectively address the potential repercussions.

Another shocking finding of the peer-reviewed research was that DNA from these injections enter cells and persists without being destroyed. The authors found that the spike protein is exported from cells on exosomes, which McKernan described as tiny fat bubbles that help spike spread throughout the body.

The study found that DNA from vaccines can remain in cells for at least seven days, raising risks regarding the long-term presence of vaccine-derived material in the body.

Health Canada’s claim that DNA contaminants in vaccines have "no functional role" is challenged by research showing that the SV40 promoter, a component of the DNA, actually serves as a functional nuclear targeting sequence. It binds to P53 – a gene regarded as the “guardian of the genome" – and has the power to act as a hypermutability element, containing a termination signal that can disrupt genes.

Additionally, the SV40’s origin of replication allows the DNA to replicate in mammalian cells, raising concerns about its potential transmissibility, especially if exosomes carrying this DNA are exhaled, which links to concerns about "shedding" of vaccine-derived material.

“It's something that definitely needs a lot more study,” says McKernan.

For [regulators] to say the DNA isn't functional and there's a mammalian origin of replication in there and people are complaining about shedding, this is mind-boggling that they're not paying attention to this. If this DNA transmits in any way through exosomes, you basically have a system here that's creating a viral factory that's butting out replicable DNA that could encode spike protein in other people. It's a mess.

To disprove claims of hyperbole, McKernan points to a study where lab workers in Seattle became infected after handling a vaccine candidate with a plasmid containing an SV40 promoter. This plasmid, which can spread through E. coli, accidentally infected the workers and their housemates.

McKernan calls this a “hair on fire moment.”

“They should be called zoonotic risks because they transfer genes between mammals and bacteria. And there are hundreds of labs playing with these plasmids all over the world,” he fears.

McKernan warns that the risk of plasmid leaks, like the one in Seattle, extends beyond vaccines, with hundreds of labs working with these materials, there are larger potential problems if proper precautions aren't taken.

We have a gain of function research program going on that's not considered gain of function… whenever they're working with these plasmids that can go into multiple different hosts, they have to be extraordinarily careful that it doesn't leave the laboratory. Particularly if it's encoding spike proteins or nucleocapsid proteins that the literature seems to imply are very inflammatory.

Overall, McKernan maintains that these injections should have never been regulated as vaccines.

They're clearly gene therapies. And that's been ruled in the Supreme Court, Ninth Circuit here in the United States. And they fit every definition of it. Now that there's DNA in there, there's no arguing this. If you look at Pfizer's paper from Thorn et al., they brag that they were able to do warp speed as fast as they could, the speed of science, and build the plane while it was flying because they had a gene therapy department that gave them the plasmids. These are gene therapy plasmids. There's no arguing that.

McKernan warns that regulators are “playing with fire,” and that improper handling of plasmids, combined with inadequate measurement methods like PCR, poses a dangerous risk of spreading transmissible elements in vaccines.

"If you're injecting people with transmissible plasmids that have origins of replication, you are the disease. You're not saving a disease, you're introducing one. You're spreading transmissible elements that spread spike protein. You are the zoonotic risk that humanity faces, not the virus."

PETITION: No More Shots!

53,518 signatures
Goal: 75,000 signatures

I demand Canada’s Minister of Health, Mark Holland, remove the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines from the market. Health Canada has confirmed the presence of an undisclosed plasmid, raising serious safety concerns and invalidating informed consent. I also support the Government of Alberta’s call to halt the vaccines, especially for healthy populations, including young adults and children.

Will you sign?

Tamara Ugolini

Senior Editor

Tamara Ugolini is an informed choice advocate turned journalist whose journey into motherhood sparked her passion for parental rights and the importance of true informed consent. She critically examines the shortcomings of "Big Policy" and its impact on individuals, while challenging mainstream narratives to empower others in their decision-making.


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  • Brenda Cholin
    commented 2024-12-12 01:33:04 -0500
    The part where citizens were denied “life” unless they got jabbed… Yah, i should’ve stuck to my guns and held up the middle finger. But you know what? I caved just so could come out of my house, avoid total isolation. Now who’s laughing. Not me, thats for sure.
  • Brenda Cholin
    commented 2024-12-12 01:33:03 -0500
    The part where citizens were denied “life” unless they got jabbed… Yah, i should’ve stuck to my guns and held up the middle finger. But you know what? I caved just so could come out of my house, avoid total isolation. Now who’s laughing. Not me, thats for sure.
  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2024-12-09 19:07:41 -0500
    What a scam. These medical officials told us it was 100% safe and effective. People like Trudeau created an underclass of unjabbed citizens. Now the proof comes out that the MRNA concoction is a gene therapy formula. Never trust any offer that’s rushed and is a limited time offer. Think long and hard first and do your homework.