Somali national U-Haul attacker Abdulahi Hasan Sharif an “opportunity” for government to promote their good work

Did Canadian immigration officials try to spin the Edmonton U-Haul terror attack as an opportunity to pat themselves on the back?

Rebel News has just received 249 exclusive Access to Information documents about convicted attempted murderer Abdulahi Hasan Sharif from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

In September 2017, Sharif went on a rampage in Edmonton outside of an Eskimos game, striking a police officer with his car before stabbing him multiple times. Sharif then commandeered a rental truck and run down four pedestrians. The flag of the terrorist group ISIS was found in the truck by police. Sharif was convicted of five counts of attempted murder — but inexplicably, he was never charged with terrorism-related offenses in the first place.

Sharif is a Somali national who managed to enter Canada and receive refugee status, even though he was ordered deported from the United States to Somalia in 2011.

In the wake of Sharif’s 2017 arrest, we asked Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada for any communications they had about him.

In my last video, I told you how critical coverage of those systemic immigration failures in Toronto Sun was spooking immigration officials. I also told you how we found evidence in an email chain of bureaucrats fussing over whether or not to use the phrase “people trafficking” in place of “human trafficking”, just to be more inclusive.

Today, I'll tell you what I can about how Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada bureaucrats planned to use the Abdullahi Sharif terror attack to brag about themselves, to use it as a “opportunity”.

I found this email in a chain between bureaucrats at Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada planning talking points and media lines to deal with the public fallout surrounding the revelations about how Sharif came to be in Canada.

"Well, it seems the lead on this might be Public Safety. It might be an opportunity as a responsive point to refer a bit more specifically to ongoing work on collaborating together on a streams of measure/strategy to further enhance overall border management in order to protect the integrity of both our asylum and migration systems against continuing migration pressures. And maybe hint to a proposal submitted.”

Immigration officials and Public Safety Canada saw the terror attack as an opportunity to boast about all the work they think they're doing at the border to make sure the Abdullahi Hassan Sharifs to the world aren't getting into the country?!

It’s right there in the email – “it might be an opportunity”, they said.

Five counts of attempted murder. And government officials were trying to spin this as an “opportunity” to talk about themselves.

On Monday, we conclude this investigation by showing you the information about Sharif the government wanted to withhold from you.

Sheila Gunn Reid

Chief Reporter

Sheila Gunn Reid is the Alberta Bureau Chief for Rebel News and host of the weekly The Gunn Show with Sheila Gunn Reid. She's a mother of three, conservative activist, and the author of best-selling books including Stop Notley.


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