SPECIAL BROADCAST: David Menzies and Ezra Levant on yesterday's brutal arrest by Freeland's RCMP


On today's special livestream, Ezra Levant breaks down yesterday's brutal arrest of reporter David Menzies in Richmond Hill, Toronto.

Menzies was simply attempting to ask Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland a few questions when a plain-clothes police officer seemingly obstructed his path and proceeded to arrest him for "assault."

The video of the incident has currently been viewed over nine million times on the social media platform X.

Conservative Party of Canada leader Pierre Poilievre commented on the video on X saying, "This is the state of freedom of the press. In Canada. In 2024. After 8 years of Justin Trudeau."

Tesla CEO Elon Musk even chimed in on the incident, posting on X that it is "false to say that he deliberately assaulted an officer."

If you would like to help support Menzies in what will surely be an expensive legal battle, please visit StandWithDavid.com and donate if you can. Thank you.


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