Sticker shock! Have you checked out your natural gas bill? The carbon tax is now the most expensive line item!

The Trudeau Liberals' carbon tax has strained Canadians' finances as the housing crisis continues.

Last week, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre was asked an interesting question during a media scrum. Essentially, should he refocus his efforts on fighting back against Donald Trump’s threat to impose tariffs on certain Canadian goods.

But Poilievre answered the query brilliantly, pointing out that Canadians are already suffering from a special type of tariff known as the carbon tax.

Coincidentally, at the precise moment I was watching this press conference, Lady Menzoid was having a conniption. For a change, I was not the catalyst for this most recent meltdown, even though I typically am and that I personally subscribe to the saying, “you only annoy the ones you love.”

No, what had triggered my beloved bride this time around was the arrival of our most recent Enbridge natural gas bill for the period of Dec. 6, 2024 to Jan. 6, 2025. The bill totaled $226.11.

But let’s take a moment to break the bill, shall we?

For starters, the customer charge is $25.90.

By the way, what’s a “customer charge”? Well, I looked it up. The customer charge is: “a fixed amount that covers the cost of maintaining the natural gas distribution system. This charge is applied to every gas account, regardless of how much gas is used.”

Um, isn’t this really called the cost of doing business? And isn’t that, you know, Enbridge’s responsibility? Put another way, imagine taking an Uber ride and when you get to your destination the driver says, “Oh by the way, I need to charge you an additional $2 to pay for the wear and tear on my car.” Really? Isn’t the wear and tear factor built-in to the overall fare cost? But whatever. I guess a utility with monopoly status you can do whatever the hell it damn well pleases…

Here’s another whopper: the bill features a “delivery” charge of $37.87. Um, delivery? Natural gas gets to our homes via a pipeline right? It’s not like there’s some guy driving a cube van, pulling up to the curb and saying, “Hey there, Menzies, just dropping off this month’s supply of natural gas.”


By the way, at this point I should point out that the aforementioned “delivery charge” should not be confused with the “Transportation to Enbridge charge.” That’s another line item coming it at $24.19. What’s a “transportation to Enbridge charge”? Oh, c’mon, now, folks. Stop asking all these pesky questions!

Then we have the beloved HST of course; that totals $26.01. By the way, didn’t the Liberals, when they were the opposition party in 1993, vow to repeal the GST? Whatever happened to promise?

Oh, and get the actual gas supply charge! That sum is $48.86. That’s right: our bill is for more than $225 but the actual cost for the natural gas is less than $50! Talk about getting nickel-and-dimed to death!

Oops, pardon me. In my rush to breakdown the bill, I forgot to mention the single biggest line item of all – namely, the Federal Carbon Charge of $75.03. In other words, one-third of the entire bill is Justin Trudeau’s save-the-planet-from- climate-change tax!


Please note that Lady Menzoid is doing her very best to keep costs down. Even during a wicked cold snap, she never sets the thermostat above 19 degrees.

Now, you might not think that’s a major sacrifice. BUT please keep in mind that Lady Menzoid is an African. She’s never been warm since moving to Canada. In fact, don’t ask me how I know this, but even on a hot and humid July day, the temperature of her thighs resemble that of a Lake Ontario trout in February…

Anyway… granted, our story is not unique. Everyone is suffering from the carbon tax.

And when Poilievre speaks of that outrageous 61 cents a litre carbon tax on gasoline, hey, even if you don’t drive a car, you’re getting hammered.

Farmers pay a carbon tax when they farm.

Truckers pay a carbon tax when they deliver.

Store owners pay a carbon tax when they operate their stores.

Surely I don’t have to sell anyone on the economic carnage of the carbon tax, not even hardcore Liberals. The proof in the proverbial pudding is when you buy ingredients for your pudding – which is to say, just check out your grocery bill these days.

Bottom line: it’s one thing for Canadians to be threatened with economic penalization by a foreign leader. But it’s quite another picadillo when the author of such an economic screw job against Canadians just happens to be Canada’s very own prime minister…

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David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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  • bkaktus
    commented 2025-01-18 06:04:08 -0500
    That was a very good idea to show people how the carbon tax truly works! But there is more to investigate.

    First: the total of listed charges is $223.6 not $200.1 as it is indicated on the bill. So the “Charges for Natural Gas” number ($200.1) is the amount of money being taxed only. There is no indication how this number is being calculated. It is very important, since it looks like the “Federal Carbon Charge” is taxed again with HST!!! I think all of this is criminal activity since we should not have double taxation!!!

    Second: it is very important to show people in the graphic form how the gas cost $48.86 is less than 25% of the total charge. Please show the split between the government and Enbridge in this robbery. Enbridge takes $99.71 and thieves from the government $101.04. This way Enbridge makes money to bribe politicians, and the government gets more power to protect Enbridge monopoly! If possible, you could also try to get a picture of the gasoline charges to compare.

    Third: it would be great to bring history of sales taxes in Canada. GST started as always, with a very nobly justification: we need sales tax to protect Canadian producers. Many years later almost nothing is being produced in Canada – we became a Chinese market. On the other hand, thieves from the government have plenty of new money to bribe scientists, media, and other public institutions to orchestrate CO2 pollution scams, as a justification for more taxes.

    We need to fight with all forms of taxes to protect our freedom!!!
  • Light Mechanic
    commented 2025-01-16 18:45:28 -0500
    Isn’t carbon tax charged on the HST as well? Help me here, what “carbon” is the Carbon Tax addressing when it’s charged on another tax? Oh, so it’s not a tax, it’s a revenue tool for govt. Now it makes sense.
  • Bernhard Jatzeck
    commented 2025-01-15 20:55:51 -0500
    Nobody has to explain to me the high cost of natural gas. I found out about that a few years ago while I was working on settling my late father’s estate.

    I had to travel between Edmonton and NE B. C. for a few years while I was doing that. I could stay at the house for only a few days at a time, so, while I was away, particularly during the winters, I had to make sure that the place remained reasonably warm to prevent the water pipes from freezing.

    There were times that I had some whoppingly high bills to pay, partly because of how much gas was and because the provincial government kept jacking up the “carbon tax”.
  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2025-01-15 19:56:12 -0500
    We’re paying for something that the sun is doing. It isn’t our fault that the planet is warming. We’re being conned into thinking carbon dioxide is a dangerous gas which must be pumped underground to save the planet. The truth is that CO2 isn’t the thermostat knob. Water vapour is much more of a greenhouse gas but we don’t pump that underground like a bunch of idiots. It’s these suicidal green idiots which want to send us back to feudal times with them as the lords and ladies ruling over us serfs.