They’re going to arrest me again this weekend — unless you do this one thing.

I intend to go to the exact same sidewalk. But if I’m there with 50 law-abiding Canadian citizens, all of us standing peacefully on the sidewalk, waving Canadian flags, the police might actually do their job.

Toronto Police arrested me last Sunday for standing on the sidewalk. I was reporting on a pro-Hamas protest, and police claimed that my mere presence was “breaching the peace”.

And I’m certain they’re going to arrest me again this Sunday, because I intend to go to the exact same sidewalk (The pro-Hamas bullies invade the same Jewish neighbourhood every week.)

But that’s only if I’m by myself — arresting me was a lot easier for the police than arresting the 20 pro-Hamas extremists who were shouting at me.

But if I’m there with 50 law-abiding Canadian citizens, all of us standing peacefully on the sidewalk, waving Canadian flags, the police might actually do their job.

Will you come to join me in solidarity, as a fellow Canadian citizen?

Will you help me take back our streets from these pro-Hamas thugs?

By the way, it’s against the law for police to arrest someone who isn’t breaking the law, just because other people threaten to breach the peace. In 2019, in a remarkably similar case called Fleming v. Ontario, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that police can’t do that.

Don’t be afraid. Our Rebel News lawyers will represent anyone who is standing peacefully with us who is falsely arrested. Hopefully no-one will be, but I promise to have your back, if you have mine.

Police actually have to do their job and enforce the law — not take the easy way out by arresting innocent people.

So here’s our plan: we simply stand on the sidewalk. With our Canadian flags. (I’ll bring the donuts and coffee to keep warm!)

Who knows, we might even sing O Canada.

We’re going to get there at 9 a.m. at the intersection of Bathurst Street and Sheppard Avenue in Toronto.

Please join me — to help convince the police to do the right thing. It’s a family-friendly, peaceful event.

We’ll have lots of Canadian flags that you can borrow. And feel free to make your own sign, too.

And let’s show Canada that we have the right to walk on the sidewalk — no matter what foreign bullies say.

See you Sunday at 9 a.m.!

Help us protect our Charter rights!

Rebel News Founder and CEO Ezra Levant was arrested for reporting on a pro-Hamas demonstration. He was arrested while standing on the sidewalk, holding a camera, and speaking with a police officer. We have already hired a lawyer, Leora Shemesh. Please donate here now to help us pay for Ezra's legal defence! We are also going to sue the Toronto police to protect journalists' Charter rights. This will be a big legal fight, and we need your support to afford to do it. (Thanks!)


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Ezra Levant

Rebel Commander

Ezra Levant is the founder and owner of Rebel News and the host of The Ezra Levant ShowHe is the author of multiple best-selling books, including Ethical Oil, The Libranos, China Virus, and most recently, Trudeau's Secret Plan.


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