Tommy Robinson Reports

Tommy Robinson has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for publishing a political documentary called “Silenced”. He is expected to serve nine months.

Tommy has been jailed in HMP Woodhilll prison. Tommy will be held in solitary confinement there, as the British prison system is controlled by Islamic prison gangs, and were Tommy in the general population, he would surely be attacked. Nine months in solitary confinement is an extremely unusual sentence, as it is generally considered to be a form of psychological torture, and many jurisdictions no longer permit it for that period of time..

Tommy’s defence lawyer, barrister Sasha Wass, KC, pointed out that unlike many cases of contempt of court, Tommy was not self-serving — he didn’t lie under oath, commit perjury or otherwise try to slyly benefit himself. The “contempt” in this case was publishing an investigative documentary into a matter of public interest. That made the sentence even more shocking: in the UK, the government is now the final arbiter of what’s a fact and what isn’t, and a prison term awaits for those who are off-side.

This punitive sentence serves as a warning to anyone who would dare to criticize the government’s agenda. If they can jail Tommy Robinson, they can jail you, too. It’s an attempt to scare citizens into silence.

Rebel News's Ezra Levant will visit Tommy regularly, to ensure that he is being treated reasonably well in prison.

Please help Rebel News with Ezra's modest expenses to fly to the UK so he can visit him in prison, and to continue to report on Tommy Robinson.

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In the UK, deviating from the government’s approved narrative can now lead to prison terms, a chilling reality that threatens to silence dissent and reinforce a two-tier justice system. If they can jail Tommy Robinson for speaking out, no citizen is truly safe from retribution for criticizing government agendas. With Tommy banned from most platforms where he could defend himself, the mainstream media cannot be trusted to fairly represent his story. Rebel News believes the world must witness the truth about Tommy Robinson and understand the broader implications of his struggle. If you share our mission, please stand with Rebel News and help us cover our expenses for Rebel News to report on Tommy’s trials and imprisonment firsthand.


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