Toronto Police claim a homeless man torched a Jewish school — I have video proof they’re lying

This morning a Jewish school in Toronto was set on fire and its plate glass windows were smashed in an early morning attack. I was the first journalist on the scene and my video report went viral.

But then the strangest thing happened. The Toronto Police — before they had finished their investigation — announced there were “no suspicious circumstances” and “there is no evidence” that it was an antisemitic attack.

They claimed that a homeless man had been living in a shed near the school and that’s what was set on fire. Nothing to see here. Except the school itself was set on fire, and huge plate glass windows were smashed.

I went back to the scene of the crime. A neighbour walked up to me and said he had seen my news report and that his security camera on his front door captured the criminal arriving on the scene!

This neighbour told me the criminal had never been there before — contradicting the police claim that this man had been living in the shed.

Watching the neighbour’s security footage, it’s clear the man wasn’t a homeless vagrant. He was walking briskly, with purpose — stopping only to check to see if he was being followed. Police had said they arrived on the scene at 3:46 a.m.

The neighbour’s video shows the criminal walking to the school at 3:05 a.m. So he obviously went right to work, burning the school. He wasn’t sleeping in the shed. He wasn’t living there.

He was coming to attack the school, and he did so in mere minutes. Why would the police lie? Why would they claim this was just a homeless man living in a shed? Why did they rule out antisemitism before their investigation is complete? And why would the Jewish school go along with their fake explanation?

I think it’s obvious: there’s an antisemitic crime wave in Canada that neither the police, the politicians nor the media want to acknowledge. They want to pretend everything’s fine — and they definitely don’t want the identity of the criminal to be “inconvenient”.

So they just claimed it was a homeless guy. Really? Who was he? Did they arrest him? It should have been easy to find him — if he was just a homeless man.

The Jewish school must release their security footage — their cameras were located right above the shed. The police must tell us who the criminal was — and why he hasn’t been charged yet.

This arson attack is part of a slow-motion scandal of antisemitic crime in Canada. And this police cover up is an even bigger scandal.

Ezra Levant

Rebel Commander

Ezra Levant is the founder and owner of Rebel News and the host of The Ezra Levant ShowHe is the author of multiple best-selling books, including Ethical Oil, The Libranos, China Virus, and most recently, Trudeau's Secret Plan.


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