Toronto’s school board embraces zero tolerance policy for bullying— unless the bullied students are Jewish

Meet Adi Halberthal Cohen, an Israeli obstetrician who came to Toronto with her anesthesiologist husband, Moshe, two years ago.

While they have the means to send their children to a private Jewish school, the Cohens decided they would prefer to have their boys attend a regular public school so that they could “experience Canada.” And so it was that they enrolled their sons at Faywood Public School, a short walk from their North Toronto residence.

Alas, experiencing Canada has proven to be a bad experience indeed. The Cohens allege that their boys have been targeted by Muslim students at the school. The bullying has been going on for several months now. The bullies utter a litany of antisemitic slurs and get physical.

A low point was reached earlier this month when her sons’ tormentors threw rocks at them. Rocks. Keep in mind, we are talking Toronto, Canada here – not the Gaza Strip.

So it was that on the Friday of the Victoria Day weekend, approximately 300 people walked with one of her sons, Eitan, to school in order to show solidarity. This included Toronto city councillor James Pasternak, provincial solicitor-general MPP Michael Kerzner, and independent downtown MP Kevin Vuong. (Conspicuously missing was Liberal MP and terrorist apologist Ya’ara Saks – even though this school is situated in her riding.).

And yet, even with this very public display, the school and the Toronto District School Board have yet to discipline any of the rock-throwing junior jihadis.

How odd. After all, it was merely six years ago the TDSB staged a press conference when it came to the board’s attention that an 11-year-old Muslim girl said that an Asian man tried to cut off her hijab with a pair of scissors as she walked to school. A Who’s Who of the political class attended the press conference, including then-Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, then-Toronto Mayor John Tory; even Prime Minister Trudeau flew into Toronto to take part. They collectively denounced the hatred and the blatant Islamophobia… until a Toronto Police investigation revealed that the incident was a complete hoax. It would come to be known as the “hijab hoax.”


Yet, when it comes to a couple of Jewish kids being bullied and even having rocks thrown at them – and yes, there are eyewitness accounts of this – the school and the school board shrug their collective shoulders, dismissing these vile incidents as a he said/she said situation. Gross.

Rebel News reached out to the TDSB. Its only statement was a communique that the principal, Katia Robles, sent to all parents after the walk of solidarity. It reads:

"Dear Parents/Guardians/Caregivers

As you may know, Toronto Police officers were outside our school this morning prior to the start of the school day to assist with traffic safety associated with a community walk. The walk was related to serious allegations involving students at our school. Yesterday, it was reported to us that a small group of students were throwing stones, among other items, at each other at various times during the day. We have not been made aware of any physical injuries as a result of these incidents and are working directly with the impacted students and their families to provide support.

We are taking these allegations very seriously and are fully investigating to better understand what happened and ensure that all relevant information has been collected. This investigation will also take into consideration previous incidents at the school.

Student safety is our number one priority. All students deserve to feel safe and welcome at school. As we’ve shared through regular newsletters, throughout the year, Faywood Arts-Based Curriculum School has provided a range of learning opportunities for students, staff and the community on issues such as combatting hate and racism, including antisemitism, and anti-bullying. This important work is not over and will continue in the weeks ahead and again in the new school year."

Bottom line: as Principal Robles states, all students should feel safe at school. Of course, they should. So why is she turning a blind eye to the bullies at Faywood?

As for the new school year, this is a moot point for the Cohens. They plan to return to Israel in the months ahead. Can you blame them? Toronto of 2024 is increasingly resembling Berlin of 1938…

David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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