Trudeau, gov't-funded media types give the silent treatment at Barrie brewery stop

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dropped by Barrie, Ont., recently, visiting a funky brewpub called Flying Monkeys. The slogan for this brewery/eatery is: “Normal is weird.” So, it truly was a perfect venue for the PM to drop by for a meet and greet photo op.

Naturally, everybody was welcome. Well, not everybody. Government-funded media (a.k.a., mainstream media) were warmly welcomed; independent media such as Rebel News were given the bum’s rush as per usual.

So it was that I had to scrum Justin Trudeau from the sidewalk. Most of my queries pertained to the upcoming vaccine passports. For example, I wanted to ask Justin the following:

  • Is the vaccine passport permanent?
  • Will religious exemptions to the vaccine passport be permitted?
  • Will the vaccine passport recognize natural immunity for people who got COVID and recovered?
  • And what will be the consequences for those Canadians who refuse to get vaccinated?

I think those are fair questions. And I also had some queries regarding Canada’s immoral disgrace when it comes to leaving interpreters and their families stranded in Afghanistan.

But while we still have freedom of the press in Canada, Justin Trudeau, the self-confessed fanboy of the People’s Republic of China, doesn’t care to embrace such a concept.

Well, that’s not entirely true. Because there are those journalists the prime minister is happy to shoot the breeze with those — i.e., the journalists his government funds with taxpayer dollars, whether we like it or not.

I spotted one such government-funded scribe pounding out some pithy prose while sitting on a staircase. She turned out to be Marieke Walsh of the Globe and Mail and I thought I’d ask her if she is in a conflict of interest position, given that she is being paid by the same government entity that she is obliged to cover.

Her response? “I’m not talking to you,” as she fled to her safe space aboard the Liberal press bus.

Gee, perhaps Ms. Walsh is vying to be a full-out Liberal, given that she has the Sgt. Schultz routine so well memorized...

But scaredy-cat stenographers aside, this weird election campaign is both frustrating and disturbing. Shouldn’t elected officials or those vying for public office have a duty to answer questions — even prickly questions? Or will these politicians only talk to people they agree with? Sad.

David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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