Trudeau ignores reporter's question on the burning and vandalizing of over 20 churches in 3 weeks

On Thursday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made another stop in Western Canada, this time taking the podium along with Premier John Horgan and others at Lafarge Lake in Coquitlam, B.C. 

Would you believe that while in the media pit, the head of security came over to me to ask if I would be asking Trudeau a tough question? You can’t make this stuff up! Let’s just say I made it clear that I was there to practice real journalism.

Perhaps that was the wrong approach. Maybe if I had said I was there to ask where Trudeau buys his socks from, my repeated attempts to be added to the list of journalists to be formally allotted a question during the question period wouldn't have been brushed off.

The handpicked mainstream media journalists ate up the King of Avoidance's announcement to commit to implementing $10 a day childcare to BC families for children under the age of 6 and thus asked him cozy questions afterward. 

But like my colleague Adam Soos, who reported at Trudeau’s recent Calgary appearance, I wanted to ask the prime minister a real question.

The question: Why has Trudeau not referred to the burning and vandalizing of 20 churches in three weeks as acts of hate and terror? That’s something Canadians deserve to know, don’t you think? After all, the church-destroying spree began in the very same province of B.C., to which Trudeau flew all the way in order to get a pat on the back just before what is likely to be a fall election.

Watch my full report here to see how the day unfolded, including the moment I asked Trudeau that important question and ended up being physically tossed aside by one of his RCMP goons because of it. Lord knows the weapon Trudeau is most afraid of is a savvy journalist whom he doesn’t care for.

Can you help keep me safe the next time I get to ask Trudeau a hard question? That may be sooner than later with a fall election looming in the air. Please sign and share our petition at and donate what you can to pay for the legal costs of our complaint letter to the RCMP Complaints Commissioner.

Drea Humphrey

B.C. Bureau Chief

Based in British Columbia, Drea Humphrey reports on Western Canada for Rebel News. Drea’s reporting is not afraid to challenge political correctness, or ask the tough questions that mainstream media tends to avoid.


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