Trudeau staff: Don't put video clips of PM on social media because “delivery today had some stumbles”

Justin Trudeau's visual communications staffers nixed a highlight “presser clip” of the Prime Minister because the delivery “had some stumbles”.

The directions were emailed from Hilary Allaire to Johnna Robinson on June 2, 2020, and suggested focusing on Trudeau's House of Commons remarks.


Hi Johanna,

For today, we would recommend standing down on clipping something from the PM presser at Rideau Cottage and instead focus on the HoC remarks because there is no announcement and the delivery today had some stumbles. If you'd still like us to promote the speech, we could post a tweet with a link to the video on YT. If there's still interest in a clip from these remarks, we'd propose the section highlighted below. Let us know what you think.


You can read the email and the suggested clip selection below.

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