Tucker Carlson: 'If we want to know what the future looks like, you can look at China and shiver'
Fox News host Tucker Carlson warned that Shanghai’s authoritarian COVID-19 lockdown, videos of which have been sparking outrage on social media, could be coming to America.
“If we want to know what the future looks like, you can look at China and shiver,” said the Fox News prime time host.
Carlson noted how the brutal lockdown of one of China’s largest cities could serve as a blueprint for authoritarian leaders in the West on how to keep the population controlled in an iron grip.
The restrictions, as reported by Rebel News, have left Shanghai teetering on the edge of civil unrest. Under the draconian lockdowns, citizens are not allowed to leave their homes or exercise, and pet owners infected with COVID-19 risk having their pets taken away and exterminated by health officials.
Horrific images and video footage of men in hazmat suits brutally slaughtering cats and dogs have garnered extensive outrage on Twitter since surfacing with the onset of the lockdowns earlier this April.
In addition to beating residents who refuse to remain indoors, China deployed the People’s Liberation Army in anticipation of food riots.
In response to the harrowing footage coming out of Shanghai, Carlson observed that the situation was like a “picture of what Hell is like,” calling it “the largest prison camp in human history.”
“We’re just beginning to see the outlines of the repression that COVID has made possible,” Carlson said. “If you believe in democracy, this is repugnant. Twenty-five million people just lost their most basic human rights.”
He added: “So, the question is, has anyone in the Biden administration, which is constantly lecturing us about democracy and human rights, said anything about this?”
“Has the State Department issued an angry denunciation of Xi Jinping? Is the U.S. government threatening sanctions against China for building the world’s largest prison camp?” Carlson continued, noting, “Well, of course not.”
“Obviously, it’s not about COVID. Let’s stop pretending,” asserted the Fox News host. “Shanghai does not have a COVID crisis. Even if Shanghai did have a COVID crisis, we know perfectly well from recent experience this is not the way to handle a COVID crisis.”
“So, from the perspective of China’s central government, the problem is not COVID. The problem is Shanghai itself,” Carlson said. “Shanghai is probably the freest place in China.”
“If you watch carefully, you can see all of this taking shape, and why wouldn’t it be taking shape in this country?” If we want to know what the future looks like, you can look at China and shiver,” he said.
Great coverage from Tucker Carlson of the horrifying lockdowns in Shanghai perpetrated by 'zero-Covid' cultists with absolute power. However much media attention this is getting, it's not enough. 👇 pic.twitter.com/pQHRAuGN7F
— Scott Morefield (@SKMorefield) April 12, 2022

Ian Miles Cheong
Ian Miles Cheong is a freelance writer, graphic designer, journalist and videographer. He’s kind of a big deal on Twitter.