WATCH: Neil Oliver on fear blinding people to government manipulation as new COVID variants emerge

Neil Oliver of GB News talks about how as the COVID fear dwindles, governments are going to do everything they can to scare people into compliance with a new COVID variant. 

He says:

After months of messages of fear from our governments and their favoured scientists, here comes more of the same. We can only presume that too many of us were seen to be awakening from the toxic trance into which we had been put by propaganda from the nudge unit. Fear has been the key to nearly two years of unprecedented power for politicians and their scientists – fear has also blinded people to the reality of manipulation and mass hypnosis used to make them, and to keep them, compliant. But with that fear on the wane, losing its power to do harm, much like the virus was losing its power, it was plainly time to cast another spell.

And here it is, in the form of yet another variant. How timely. Someone even managed to sprinkle, for a while, the acronym HIV over this latest mutation, like bitter icing on a stale cake.

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