Fight Vaccine Passports Legal Fund
Announcing a legal defence fund to fight against Trudeau's federal vaccine requirement.
And I need your help to do this right.
We need the best lawyers, who know the law, and the constitution, and how to strategically fight this, and to fight it quickly, with the best chance of winning and setting a precedent and rolling back these vaccine passports. So we need to hire the pro’s. Not volunteer lawyers who mean well but aren’t proven winners. I want to hire the legal eagles, senior counsel, who know what they’re doing. And I don’t want volunteers, because I want lawyers who are going to put everything else aside and make this their central priority for the foreseeable future.
As you may know, for the past 18 months, we’ve done something like this with our Fight The Fines project, where we crowdfund lawyers to help more than 2,000 Canadians fight their lockdown tickets. We really built a kind of national civil rights law firm, and we’ve had good success. So I want to deploy that team to fight these vaccine passports and vaccine mandates.
The difference here is that we can’t take 2,000 cases. It’s not as easy to launch an urgent constitutional lawsuit as it is to defend a ticket. Each case is going to be way more expensive. But we also don’t have to take every case, because if we challenge a vaccine mandate for one person, and if we get it struck down, that would obviously benefit everyone else who was at the same school or office too.
So for example, we only need one student plaintiff at any given university — not every single student there, right? So if we choose our cases strategically, a win for one case could actually be a win for thousands or even millions of Canadians. Like B.C.’s outrageous and clearly unconstitutional vaccine passport. That violates the rights of 5 million British Columbians — but we only need one case to challenge it. (And by the way, I think we’ve found her already!)
We need your help to crowdfund those 20 precedent-setting cases, and we’ve already chosen one.
Normally such a case, especially if it involves a constitutional challenge, will cost for sure $100,000 or more each. Maybe double that. But if our lawyers share their legal research with each other and share the actual legal documents they prepare, we won’t have to pay each of them to reinvent the wheel. We can be smart about it. But there’s no way this is going to cost us less than $2 million dollars — about $50K a case.
But we can do it. I mean, we have to do it, right? Because no regular family could afford to do this on their own.
If you can help, even by chipping in $20 or if you can, $100 or even more, please contribute on this page. And you’ll get a charitable tax receipt for it from the CRA charity The Democracy Fund. So a $100 donation will only cost you about $80. None of the money comes to Rebel News by the way — it all goes to The Democracy Fund, which pays the lawyers directly.
Let’s crowdfund $2 million to fight the vaccine passports, with a team of smart lawyers from coast to coast. Let’s find the 20 best cases — and by that I mean the most sympathetic plaintiffs and the most outrageous institutions imposing the most abusive rules.
And you can donate by cheque by making it out to the Democracy Fund and mailing the cheque to:
The Democracy Fund
PO Box 61035 Eglinton/Dufferin RO
Toronto, ON M6E 5B2