Orders will no longer bfulfilled and payments made on this page are donations


Must wear face covering on buses, in transit shelters, and municipal bus or transit shelter and in any enclosed space where members of the public are ordinarily invited or permitted access (e.g. businesses, community centres, churches, arenas, etc.)

Operator/proprietor of such places must post clearly visible sign at entrance, take reasonable steps to ensure no-one without a mask is permitted entry unless they state that they fall within an exemption, and ask non-compliant patrons to leave


  • Children under the age of two
  • Children under age 5 who refuse to wear mask and cannot be persuaded by caregiver to do so
  • Person with underlying medical condition which inhibits their ability to wear a face covering
  • Person unable to place or remove a face covering without assistance
  • Employees in areas designated for them and not for public access, or behind physical barriers
  • Person with disability that makes it difficult to wear, or communicate while wearing face covering
  • Person in a swimming pool
  • Person actively engaged in an athletic or fitness activity
  • Person who removes the face covering for the period necessary to provide or receive services or treatment
  • Person sleeping or in bed at a homeless shelter
  • Person who states that one of the exemptions of this bylaw applies to them



Please note: To purchase additional cards please place a separate order for each additional card that you would like to order.

Not including Toronto, all other cities feature a generic exemption card which references MaskExemption.ca for full details as the laws are changing and the website will be updated to reflect those changes.

Updated as of July 29th, 2020