“Abuse of process”: Sheila Gunn Reid on Rebel's free speech fight in Edmonton
On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra invited our own Sheila Gunn Reid to talk about one of our fights for free speech.
Sheila was in a court in Edmonton, Alberta yesterday defending our freedom of speech, in particular our right to publish billboards critical of the government.
To get the full story, and to help us fight back, please visit RebelTrial.com.
Here's a bit of what Sheila had to say about the ongoing saga of the Fire Eggen billboard:
“I'm interested to see how they plan to defend what happened to us here, because really, it was an abuse of process from the very beginning, and I'm not sure if I'm learning new things or if I'm remembering things that I forgot, because this case is just so wild.
“For example, I did not realize that investigators from both the Elections Commissioner and Elections Alberta harassed our sign guy, interrogated our sign guy — and then, on the day that they found us guilty in a secret trial, their investigators contacted our sign guy and said ‘take down the sign’ which they cannot do. They don't have the authority to do that.”
This is just a clip from the full Ezra Levant Show.
To watch the whole thing, become a premium subscriber to RebelNews+.