Thank you for supporting our petition to close the border! We are doing everything we can to expose the Liberal Party's spin around the coronavirus pandemic. But unlike the Trudeau-friendly CBC, which has shut down its local newscasts, we don't receive $1.5 billion per year from the government — we rely on ordinary Canadians who choose to help our investigations. And during this difficult time, when independent accountability journalism is more important than ever, we really need your help. So, if you can, please click here to chip in, and we'll keep doing our best to tell the other side of the story. Thank you for your support!

U.S. reporter “very surprised” by lack of coronavirus signs at Roxham Road

This weekend, Rebel News sent American reporter Ryan Katsu Rivera to investigate the illegal border crossing at Roxham Road.

In this return visit, Ryan noted the absence of anyone trying to enter Canada from the U.S., as well as the absence of any signage in the area alerting would-be migrants of the coronavirus lockdown:

U.S. Reporter: Still no fence at Roxham Road!

We've been sending our reporters Keean Bexte and David Menzies to the illegal border crossing at Roxham Road to see if immigrants were still being allowed into Canada despite the coronavirus pandemic lockdowns.

But we can't send our reporters to the U.S. side, because when they’d come back to Canada, they’d have to stay in quarantine for 14 days. So, we decided to do something a little different:

We sent an American reporter, Ryan Katsu Rivera, to Roxham Road from the U.S. side.

Has security been tightened up? 

Is anyone still trying to cross illegally into Canada?

Watch his report to see what happened — and don't miss the part where he's told that murderers have crossed into Canada from America:

WE DID IT — Trudeau actually closed the Roxham Road border checkpoint!

Keean Bexte (March 24, 2020):

I want to thank you for supporting our Rebel News petition to close the notorious Roxham Road border checkpoint.

Unbelievably, it looks like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau actually — for once — listened to Canadians and closed the border.

More than 15,000 of you joined our campaign, and I couldn’t be more grateful for your support. Just as we did when we fought Trudeau’s debates commission for access to the federal leaders' debate, we took on the establishment and won.

Check out my latest Roxham road update to find out more:

As you can see, our campaign cannot yet come to an end. After all, you all know Justin Trudeau as well as I do, and that means he’ll probably be back on the road with open arms welcoming illegal immigrants to Canada as soon as he can — maybe with another “Welcome to Canada” tweet!

Now, it’s unclear quite how illegals are being turned away from Roxham Road, because journalists — like Rebel News' David Menzies — have struggled to get answers from officers at the RCMP’s facility there, and new fencing has been added to the roadway. But you better believe it that we'll stay hot on the heels of this story as it develops.

UPDATE: Official story changes hourly at illegal border crossing

David Menzies (March 22, 2020):

For a while, it looked like I would be the last journalist to report from the notorious Roxham Road border crossing on Friday night.

Indeed, as of Saturday morning, Roxham Road wasn’t just (allegedly) closed to illegal immigrants — it was also closed off to journalists.

That’s what I discovered when I revisited Roxham Road on Saturday, less than 12 hours after the midnight border closure supposedly took effect — check it out: 

UPDATE: Illegal border crossing FINALLY shut down — but for how long?

David Menzies (March 22, 2020):

At long last! That notorious illegal immigration portal leading from New York State to Quebec at Roxham Road has finally been closed by the federal government due to the coronavirus pandemic.

On Friday morning Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that illegal immigrants making their way to Canada would no longer be allowed into our dominion; since 2017, some 50,000 illegal immigrants have come into Canada via Roxham Road.

So, I hustled up to Roxham Road to see if there would be a last-minute rush of migrants over the border prior to the midnight lockdown deadline — check out my first report from the scene:

Thankfully, it looks like Trudeau’s sudden about-face on open borders caught everyone by surprise as that last-minute rush never did materialize.

But the question remains: when this pandemic ends, will the closed border at Roxham Road revert back to sieve status? What do you think?

UPDATE: Is Trudeau telling the truth about the Roxham Road border checkpoint?

Keean Bexte (March 20, 2020):

Four days ago, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told Canadians that he was closing Canada to all non-Canadian citizens — with some exceptions, of course, such as permanent residents. But this turned out to be untrue.

As I reported earlier this week, it was business as usual at the RCMP’s notorious border checkpoint at Roxham Road; mask-wearing illegals were still hopping on buses and flocking into Canada for free, taxpayer-funded healthcare. 

Well, I can now report that the prime minister has finally announced that Canada will be returning “irregular” migrants — that’s what he calls illegal immigrants — who attempt to cross the Canada-U.S. border.

Check out my full report to learn more:

But is Trudeau being honest with Canadians?

Call me a sceptic, but I don’t trust him. After all, Trudeau has failed to properly and securely close the border after his announcement on Monday — and as we have reported, his government is continuously failing to enforce “enhanced screening measures” at Canadian ports of entry.

So, while I’m stuck in Calgary, we’re dispatching my Rebel News colleague David Menzies to the Roxham Road checkpoint to find out — once and for all — if Trudeau is telling the truth. Stay tuned.

Illegal immigrants STILL crossing into Canada — SIGN THE PETITION to close the border now

Keean Bexte (March 17, 2020):

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced yesterday that the Canadian border will be closed to all symptomatic persons and non-Canadian citizens with the exception of immediate family members, permanent residents, diplomats, aircrews, and U.S. citizens.

But do you believe that? Do you trust that illegal border crossings like the one at Roxham Road are closing to illegal immigrants, too? 

I certainly don't, because I have driven to the RCMP’s notorious checkpoint at Roxham Road to investigate, and I am finding that illegal immigrants — non-U.S. citizens — are still hopping on a bus to Canada:

Roxham Road is still open, despite Trudeau saying that Canada's borders are closed to all but Americans.

And to make matters worse, the aptly named Clinton County, which sits along the U.S.-Canada border, is now home to at least one case of the novel coronavirus. That patient is reportedly in critical condition.

I have also learned that upon arrival in Canada, illegal immigrants are taken into custody, monitored for 24 hours, and then moved to a high-density quarantine unit.

So, any foreigner in the world can simply walk into Canada and get free, taxpayer-funded coronavirus healthcare — but Canadian citizens who show symptoms are not allowed back?

This is a huge crisis for Canada, and Trudeau's government is endangering Canadians by failing to fully close the border. 

If you are outraged by this, please sign our petition to close the border now.

Thank you!

Will you sign?


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