- By Rebel News
Help fund our ATIPs
Help cover the cost of our access to information requests.
Rebel News files hundreds of Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) requests a year.
It's one of the only ways to get information from the government about anything.
ATIPs cost us tens of thousands of dollars in fees to file.
Sometimes we get nothing, but sometimes we get something shocking and that makes it all worth it.
For example, it's no secret that Toronto's Mayor John Tory was not a fan of Rebel News' coverage of left-wing occupiers in the heart of downtown at Nathan Phillips Square, right outside the doors of city hall.
Thanks to an ATIP we filed, we were able to find out exactly what kind of information Mayor Tory gathered about us from that day.
ATIPs help us follow facts and uncover the truth.
Click here to view how our ATIP revealed that the Canadian Armed Forces have a 15-page propaganda plan to demonize Trudeau's pandemic critics.
Or click here to see the secret military documents that show how Justin Trudeau invited Chinese troops to train at Canadian military bases.
If you think this research is important, please help us cover the cost of our ATIP requests by making a donation on this page.
Canadians can donate through e-transfer by emailing [email protected] please use the password RebelNews if necessary.
And you can donate by cheque by making it out to Rebel News and mailing the cheque to:
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PO Box 61056 Eglinton/Dufferin RO
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