PETITION: Stop Critical Race Theory

Goal: 20,000 signatures

Bill 67, the Racial Equity in the Education System Act recently passed its second reading in Ontario's legislature. The bill was introduced by Kitchener Centre MPP Laura Mae Lindo under the guise of combatting racism and racist issues in Ontario's education system.

This bill was described recently by Dr. Jordan Peterson as "the most pernicious and dangerous piece of legislation that any Canadian government has attempted to put forward" and will effectively inject Critical Race Theory (CRT) into every sector of Ontario's education system.

Bill 67 will not only require school boards to create and enforce "racial equity plans" that implement different treatment of individuals based on race — but it will also penalize staff and students who are perceived to be violating the bill's tenets.

CRT is a doctrine that is in itself racist and has no place in Canada.

If you agree we need to stop the implementation of CRT legislation and policies not only in Ontario schools, but also across Canada, please sign the petition on this page.

You can also send an email to Ontario MPPs calling on them to stop Bill 67 by clicking here.

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