Elections Canada wants 240,000 transparent masks by March 31

Elections Canada has placed a want ad for 240,000 transparent masks to be delivered by March 31, 2021 as part of their COVID-19 “readiness activities”.

According to the notice posted on the federal government's procurement website:

Elections Canada is closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and its evolving impact. As part of its readiness activities, the agency has been developing a new operational plan to deliver an election in the context of a pandemic.

The health and safety of all participants in the electoral process is of paramount importance: this includes electors, thousands of election workers, and candidates and their workers. The production of transparent masks is one of the added measures.

Multiple contracts may be awarded to reach a “firm quantity” of “240,000 individual masks with options”:

The delivery of the firm quantity must be completed on or before but no later than March 31, 2021.

You can view an archived version of the tender notice here.

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